Car Maintenance in Communion with Christ

“As we learn the way of holy silence — a silence that expects to encounter and hear God — we begin finding our spirits in continuous communion with God. This can be true even when life rushes around us […] Interior soulful silence shows us that we can live at different levels. We can be outwardly busy while inwardly talking and listening to God. We can be changing the oil in our car or cooking supper or giving a presentation at work, while at the same time, if we practice the way of holy silence, we remain centered in our souls and in communion with Christ.

— J. Brent Bill, 2005
Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality
Photo credit: Georgia Sparling

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Choose a part of your daily routine — cooking, getting dressed, cleaning, etc. — and practice talking and listening to God as you do it.

What is your relationship with silence and stillness?

What happens for you when you try to sit still in silence? How do you maintain a state of inner stillness through the noise and demands of your daily life?

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  • J. Brent Bill

    J. Brent Bill is a Quaker writer, photographer, retreat leader, writing coach, and Quaker minister. He has served as a local congregational pastor, a denominational executive, a non-profit executive, and more.

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