
The Daily Quaker Message is an invitation to enter into a closer relationship with Spirit, and to practice your own walk on the Quaker path. Daily Quaker emails have three parts: a short Quaker message to meditate on (often a quote, but sometimes a song, a poem, a piece of art, or a video), an exercise to try in your own life, and a query. This email is a powerful tool for establishing or enriching a spiritual practice.

Listen to a podcast episode which describes our origin story and how to use the Daily Quaker:

We curate Daily Quaker Messages from diverse sources: from different eras of history, and from people of different backgrounds and beliefs. One of the strengths of Quakerism is its ability to make room for the ministry of all Friends. Some messages may have gendered language, Christian themes, nontheist themes, or spiritually challenging content, and are a product of their time and their author’s perspective. We invite you to practice “reading in tongues”: translating messages into language that is meaningful to you. Through generous reading, we hope each message has a kernel that speaks to your condition.

Take a Tour of the Daily Quaker Message

Our Team

Jon Watts
Executive Director

Jon Watts is a Quaker media creator and spiritual entrepreneur. He has been called a “spiritual entrepreneur.” As a songwriter, Jon toured the world sharing stories of the Early Friends and his own spiritual journey growing up in a Quaker intentional community and attending the Quaker Leadership Scholars Program at Guilford College.

Jon’s unique success promoting his music in the early days of Youtube led him to found the QuakerSpeak video project, for which he spent six years traveling, interviewing Friends, and publishing a video every week. By the end of his tenure in 2020, the project had over 4 million views.

In 2022, Jon embarked on a new journey: envisioning a future for Friends and online media. The resulting startup organization, Thee Quaker Project aims to bring Quakerism into the internet age.

Jon Watts is a member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, which holds his ministry under its care.

Maeve Sutherland

Maeve Sutherland is a communications professional who never recovered from her wonderful childhood at a Quaker elementary school. She has spent her career helping nonprofits share their stories, from schools and universities, to museums, to radio stations. As a Thomas J. Watson Fellow, Maeve spent a year living in “Peaceable Kingdoms,” pacifist intentional communities around the world, where she learned that everyone has a role to play in shaping a better world. She worked as a freelance social media manager before joining Thee Quaker Project.

After returning to Quakerism as a young adult, Maeve now attends Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting in Philadelphia.

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