September 20, 2024
“I have thought this morning, whether we, as a Society, do not suffer more than we need, by expecting too much of ourselves; whether our hope and reliance is sufficiently on Him whom we desire to become our all in all; experience has taught me, that Christ in me, or His saying and anointing power in me, is indeed my only hope of glory. I look not to myself, but to that within me, that has to my admiration proved to be my present help, and enabled me to do what I believe myself I could not have done.”

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The Daily Quaker Message is a daily Quaker devotional email designed for an audience of Friends, seekers, and the spiritually curious. Each email has three parts: a query to ground you; a message to inspire you; and an invitation to participate in a spiritual exercise. Wherever you are in your journey, the Daily Quaker Message is your Friendly companion.

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What Our Readers Are Saying:

“Sets my compass for the day”

“I get up, come downstairs, feed the cat and look at the Daily Quaker Message. Then I make my breakfast and read it again and sit quietly and think about it. It sets my compass for the day. I am so grateful that you are doing this and making it available worldwide. It unites me with Friends everywhere thinking about the same thing on the same day.”
Cheshire, UK

“A reconnection to my faith community”

“I became a Quaker 30+ years ago by way of being the on-site caretaker of a Meeting House. I literally went just to learn the job, immediately felt at home, and began attending Worship. I was there over 25 years and lost my connection to Friends when I moved to where there was no Meeting nearby. The Daily Quaker Message found me recently at a very difficult time of my life, providing me with a reconnection to my faith community that has helped me heal. I am now house hunting for retirement and this time will only go where there is a Friends community.”
California, US

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