This month we examine how our relationship with nature can inspire our spirituality. We will read about Friends who have experienced divine ecstasy or received messages in the wilderness, consider our responsibility as stewards of the earth, and be invited to participate in exercises that strengthen our connection to creation.

December 30, 2024

A Living God Who Made All Things

“One morning as I was sitting by the fire, a great cloud came over me, and a temptation beset me; but I sat still. It was said, ‘All things come by nature’; and the elements and stars came over me, so that I was in a manner quite clouded with it. …And as I sat still under it, and let it alone, a living hope arose in me, and a true voice which said, ‘There is a living God who made all things.’”
December 31, 2024

Creation Is Not Only About Pristine Perfection

“Creation is not only about pristine perfection; it is about the messy compromise of politics, the beauty and ambiguity of art, the violence of war and the belligerence of free moral agents, the raw edges of literature and music, the tragic. It is about pastures and fields, yes, but also about planted fields and the genetic modification of the seed in those fields. In short, a doctrine of creation places us in conversation with ourselves about humanity and about human effort.”
January 1, 2025

Love for the Least Creature

“I was early convinced in my mind that true religion consisted in an inward life wherein the heart doth love and reverence God the Creator and learns to exercise true justice and goodness not only toward all men but also toward the brute creation.”
January 2, 2025

You Are United With the Rest of Creation Through the Divine

“Underlying all truths is the universal truth of a Divine present in all… This reflects the emphasis in Ubuntu theology, of the radical communal unity of humanity through the interdependent interpenetration of the Divine within all of creation, including human beings; through their intimate relationship with the Divine as created beings, each person is free to fully express the truth of their individuality while also acknowledging that such individuality can only exist as each individual is united with the rest of creation through the Divine.”
January 3, 2025

Expand Your Awareness Into the Vastness of the Universe

“To listen for the heartbeat of God is to listen both within the vastness of the universe and within the intimacy of our own hearts. And it is to know these distinct ways of listening as essentially one, as two aspects of the same posture of consciousness.” 
January 4, 2025

A Person Is More Than a Machine

“Of course inanimate nature, that part of nature most easily thought of as made of atoms, cannot be totally unlike ourselves. According to the doctrine of evolution, inanimate nature is merely an early stage of ourselves. The only sound way to hold to the particulate, mechanistic doctrine is to insist that we also are mere particles in motion, a machine which is part of a larger machine.”
January 5, 2025

What Does Quakerism Teach About Connecting to Nature?

“One of our biggest difficulties, I think, is that we live so much in language and so much in a mediated world of electronic media and print media, all of which tends to distance us from our connection to the natural world. Getting into that sense beyond language is not only healthy for personal spiritual renewal, but it’s also crucial to reconnecting with the natural world, which is a nonverbal world.”
January 6, 2025

Discover the Uses of Uselessness

“To learn why you feel compelled to remake and consume the world, live alone in the wilderness for at least a week. Take no books or other distractions. Take simple, adequate food that requires little or no preparation. Don’t plan things to do when the week is over. Don’t do yoga or meditation that you think will result in self-improvement. Simply do nothing.”
January 7, 2025

Every Blade of Grass Receives God’s Care

“It is not only the scriptures of truth, but the sun and moon in their orbits, and the stars in their courses, will all testify of the mercy, goodness, and power of God. Neither shall we be induced to worship these, notwithstanding their brilliancy. We shall neither bow our knees, nor lift up our hands to any created object, because this would be denying that God who is above us all. Not only these, the most brilliant objects of his creative wisdom with which we are acquainted, but all the works of his hands proclaim themselves the workmanship of deity.”
January 8, 2025

What Our Quaker Work Is Striving Toward

“All species and the Earth itself have interdependent roles within Creation. Humankind is not the species, to whom all others are subservient, but one among many. All parts, all issues, are inextricably intertwined. Indeed the web of creation could be described as of three-ply thread: wherever we touch it we affect justice and peace and the health of all everywhere.”
January 9, 2025

Set Your Urgent Life Aside

“It has hatched and is desperate / to mate and die. Now, at 2 a.m. / in its middle age, the luna moth rests cockeyed / on my window ledge, lurching again at light…”
January 10, 2025

Our Life’s Task

“Religions typically give prime importance to a reality greater than the individual self, a reality to which awe and respect, and sometimes even love or fear, is due. Guidance is sought and expected from this greater reality, which may or may not be conceived of as God, and which may encompass all of life, and even all that exists.”
January 11, 2025

Life Is Sweet in All Creatures

“I considered that life was sweet in all living creatures, and the taking it away became a very tender point with me. The creatures […] were lent us to be governed in the Great Creator’s fear: and I feel free to refer my readers to his order and allowance in early times, while all the Lord’s works were in harmony, and pronounced by him to be very good…”
January 12, 2025

You Enter Naked and Brave

“Once upon a time, all humans knew their lives, their food, their survival, their sense of meaning and kinship with God or the gods was connected with all their relations: the hawks and soil and ferns and mosquitoes. Like all the other wild creatures, they belong to the land, and they knew it. They were untamed and self-willed and listened to their own intrinsic authority. They were part of a grand conversation, a relationship of reciprocity and respect, connecting them with all the other beings and elements of life.”
January 13, 2025

How to Start Singing Again

“I thought of myself as a former Peace Corps volunteer who had loved living in a mud hut, and now I had more bathrooms than I could keep clean. I thought of myself as a person who used canvas shopping bags twenty years before it was mainstream, but now with two cars and two electronics-addicted teenagers, I’d developed a low-level despair about my inability to protect the planet they would inherit. I’d been reading about how global warming was withering maize crops in Botswana, the southern African country where I had taught decades earlier – the place that had originally taught me about social responsibility. Our new house was so big, no one heard me when I cried…”
January 14, 2025

William Penn: Why Man Abuses the World

“It would go a great way to caution and direct people in their use of the world, that they were better studied and known in the creation of it.  For how could man find the confidence to abuse it, while they should see the great creator stare them in the face, in all in every part thereof?”
January 15, 2025

What Is That Beautiful Thing That Just Happened?

“At Blackwater Pond the tossed waters have settled / after a night of rain. / I dip my cupped hands. I drink / a long time. It tastes / like stone, leaves, fire.”
January 16, 2025

The Best Response to Miracles

“In my studies of the world’s various religions, I have noticed that miracles are important in all of them, miracles meaning events that go beyond any natural explanation and are believed to confirm the power and truth of each tradition.” 
January 17, 2025

Leaps of Unpremeditated Joy

“In the sun, the coming together of two hydrogen atoms at intense temperatures and pressures to form an atom of helium results in the release of an energy which is essential to our planet.  This energy has warmed the earth, set the stage for creation, and provided the supporting energy for all life on earth. The dance of the ever-moving atomic particles in the center of the sun could well be described as ‘ascending leaps of unpremeditated joy.'”
January 18, 2025

This Destruction Must Stop

“We are building towards the climax of crisis. The spiritual crisis is folding into the ecological crisis and the ecological crisis is folding into the economic crisis. As Christians, it seems to me, we are now required to critically assess the capital driven market economy and identify it as a false religion, a fabulously productive but ultimately destructive system bringing closure on God’s goodness in creation and bringing a creeping atheism to the soul. To look this system straight in the eye and call it to account is a critical test of Biblical faith.”
January 19, 2025

What Quakers Are Called to Do About Climate Change

“We are called to see what love can do: to love our neighbor as ourselves, to aid the widow and orphan, to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, to appeal to consciences and bind the wounds.”  
January 20, 2025

This Marvelous, Beautiful, Savage World

“This is a marvelous world, full of beauty and splendour; it is also an unrelenting and savage world, and we are not the only living things prone to dominate if given the chance. In our fumbling, chaotic way, we do also make gardens, irrigate the desert, fly to the moon and compose symphonies. Some of us are trying to save species other than ourselves…”
January 21, 2025

Come Into the Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me / and I wake in the night at the least sound / in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, / I go and lie down where the wood drake / rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
January 22, 2025

Where Our Wealth Lies

“Our [Quaker] testimonies against war and inequality have been aimed at persuading people, and reminding ourselves, as to where their wealth lies: in the discovery of a common identity and a common cause with other human beings.”
January 23, 2025

Truth Springs Up Out of the Earth

“So then, there is the sweet communion…. the sweet joy and refreshment in the Lord our righteousness, who causeth righteousness to drop down from heaven, and truth to spring up out of the earth. And so our Father is felt blessing us, blessing our land, blessing our habitations, delighting in us and over us to do us good; and our land yields its increase to the Lord of Life, who hath redeemed it and planted the precious plants and seeds of life in it.”
January 24, 2025

It Is a Stony Road Ahead but Our Faith Will Uphold Us

“Our planet is seriously ill and we can feel the pain. We have been reminded of the many ways in which the future health of the earth is under threat as a result of our selfishness, ignorance and greed.  Our Earth needs attention, respect, love, care and prayer. In comfortable Britain we are largely insulated from the effects of the environmental crisis. It is the poor of the world who suffer first.”
January 25, 2025

The Kind of World We Long for So Much It Hurts

“Whatever situation we face, we can choose our response. When facing overwhelming challenges, we might feel that our actions don’t count for much. Yet the kind of responses we make, and the degree to which we believe they count, are shaped by the way we think and feel about hope.”
January 26, 2025

Can “Indoorsy” People Get Spiritual Nourishment from Nature?

“I realized that being in nature does give me spiritual nurture, even if I don’t seek it out all the time. Seeing myself as a tiny part of a whole earth community keeps me humble and gives me perspective. The outdoors has a quiet that’s different from silence, which invites me to regulate the rhythm of my body. And the immediacy of nature encourages me to set my urgent life aside and be present, if just for a moment.”   

This month’s theme is Discernment and Leadings, examining individual and corporate practices for listening to our inner guide. We will read about how to recognize and act on leadings, Quaker process, proceeding as way opens, and the fallibility of conscience. Making space for expectant waiting in decision making and patching together an understanding of divine will with the help of Friends are Quaker superpowers.

December 2, 2024

All We Possess Are the Gifts of God

You may already know that the Daily Quaker Message is published by a brand new Quaker media org called Thee Quaker Project. We are a small startup with a big dream, and we have been busy preparing the way for Quakers to have an outsized impact on the future, as they have in the past. We believe that the Quaker message is more relevant than ever. That’s why we continue to dedicate ourselves to building a platform for the future of Friends, and to bringing Quakerism into the 21st century.
December 3, 2024

There Is a Principle Which Is Pure

“There is a principle which is pure, placed in the human mind, which in different places and ages hath had different names: it is, however, pure, and proceeds from God. It is deep, and inward, confined to no forms of religion, nor excluded from any, where the heart stands in perfect sincerity. In whomsoever this takes root and grows, of what nation soever, they become brethren, in the best sense of the expression.”
December 4, 2024

We Are All Furnished With an Inward Guide

“It is a leading principle in religion, that the work of the Holy Spirit in the soul is not only immediate and direct, but perceptible. We believe that we are all furnished with an inward Guide or Monitor, who makes his voice known to us, and who, if faithfully obeyed and closely followed, will infallibly conduct us into true virtue and happiness.”
December 5, 2024

The Heart of Quaker Spirituality and Practice

“Spiritual discernment lies at the heart of Quaker spirituality and practice. It’s grounded in the central Quaker conviction of the availability to every person of the experience and guidance of God, immediate as well as mediated. Discernment is the faculty we use to distinguish the true movement of the Spirit to speak in meeting for worship from the wholly human urge to share, to instruct, or to straighten people out. It is the capacity we exercise in a centered meeting for worship for the conduct of business to sense the right course for the meeting to take in complex or difficult circumstances. It is the ability to see into people, situations, and possibilities to identify what is of God in them and what is of the numerous other sources in ourselves – and what may be both.”
December 6, 2024

The Greatest Service You Can Perform

“To ‘listen’ another’s soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another. But in this scrutiny of the business of listening, is that all that has emerged? Is it blasphemous to suggest that over the shoulder of the human listener, there is never absent the silent presence of the Eternal Listener, the living God? For in penetrating to what is involved in listening, do we not disclose the thinness of the filament that separates [people] listening openly to one another, and that of God intently listening to each soul?”
December 7, 2024

That True Vibration Inside of You

“You think that you have a leading, but your ego takes over, or your will takes over, and you need community to be with you to help discern what is really coming through. Not for the community to tell you what’s coming through, but to reflect back to you what they’re hearing. Because you’re the one that needs to determine what that true vibration is inside of you.”
December 8, 2024

Friends Explain Quaker Discernment

“For me, discernment is the core technology of Quakerism. It is the thing that we learn to do and that our faith supports. And that is to thresh through the complexity of life and find the kernel, find the root, find the way: the way for me today, at this moment.”
December 9, 2024

Knowing We Need to Change Is Not Sufficient to Compel Change

“No one is forced to pay attention to what the Light exposes. Just as we can close our outward, physical eyes to those things in the ordinary world that we find unpleasant and don’t want to see, we have the ability to close our inward, spiritual eyes and turn away from what the Light of Christ reveals inside us.” 
December 10, 2024

What Disturbs My False Rest

“Thus I continued still in vanity and folly, with intervals of deep distress and mournings, a short space longer, that is, till the winter of the year 1770, when, being about nineteen years old, I became more fully and clearly convinced, and that very much by the immediate operations, illuminations, and openings of divine light in my own mind, that this inward something, which had been thus long and powerfully striving with me, disturbing my every false rest, confusing every false and sin-flattering imagination of flesh and blood, or of the grand adversary, and enjoining it upon me to give up all, and walk in the ways of virtue and true self-denial, was the true and living spirit and power of the eternal God.”
December 11, 2024

Spirit May Speak Gently

“May we come with hearts / and minds prepared / seeking to be still / and seeking to listen.”
December 12, 2024

Follow Whithersoever You Are Led

“One day walking alone, I felt myself so inwardly weak and feeble, that I stood still, and by the reverence that covered my mind, I knew that the hand of the Lord was on me and his presence round about, the earth was silent and all flesh brought into stillness, and light went forth with brightness, and shone on Great Britain, Ireland, and Holland, and my mind felt the gentle, yet strongly drawing cords of that love which is stronger than death, which made me say, ‘Lord! Go before, and strengthen me, and I will follow whithersoever thou leadest.'”
December 13, 2024

You Are Never Without a Living Sense of Guidance

“Turn therefore inwards, and all that is within you will demonstrate to you the presence and power of God in your soul, and make you find and feel it with the same certainty as you find and feel your own thoughts.” 
December 14, 2024

The Grace of God Deepens our Faculties for Insight

“Most of us are given some common little jobs every day of our lives. To a very few comes the call to do something extraordinary, some great task. The world abounds in men and women who find happiness and opportunities for self-expression in being faithful in the humble stations of life which are theirs at a given time.”
December 15, 2024

God Knows and Loves You Personally

“How we respond as individuals to the idea of being led, and how we respond to the actual leadings of the Holy Spirit when they come upon us, is closely related to how we feel about our own worth in God’s eyes; whether we can see ourselves as God’s beloved creations and human beings for whom Jesus Christ lived and died and lives again. In those times of my life when I have felt worst about myself and my life to date, I have been about as responsive as the rock mentioned in my journal passage: not believing that God cared, I did not believe that he would bother to lead me to say or to do any specific thing. More recently, as I have come to know God’s personal love for me experientially, I have also come to believe in and experience personal and specific divine leadings in my
December 16, 2024

Leadings and Nontheism

“Quakers and many others who are practiced in prayer and meditation have had the experience of an insistent inner voice which moves them towards a specific course of action. In the silence this voice is at first soft and gentle, but if it is not heeded it can become stronger and stronger until the course of action is clear. Quakers call this a ‘concern,’ and it is this which is the source of many of the testimonies that are later adopted by the whole of the Quaker family.”
December 17, 2024

Rest Quietly in the Prophetic Stream

“We generally think of prophets as dramatic and conspicuous people; not only are they sometimes martyred, they occasionally sit on facing benches, makes speeches, get arrested, and are generally in the limelight. We need those conspicuous and bold prophets, and from time to time, even the most unassuming Quaker must take such a stand.”
December 18, 2024

Kicked by God

“I am a man who has been ‘kicked’ by God, just as a boy kicks a ball in the direction he wants it to go. I have been driven and led by Him.”
December 19, 2024

Women’s Speaking, Justified

“It hath been an objection in the minds of many, and several times hath been objected by the clergy, or ministers and others, against women’s speaking in the church; and so consequently may be taken, that they are condemned for meddling in the things of God.”
December 20, 2024

Fear Not, for I Am with You

“When God taps a person on the shoulder and says, ‘Do this,’ a natural response – and perhaps the only appropriate response – seems to be, ‘Who, me? I am not adequate.’  In contrast to the fishermen who left their nets when Jesus said, ‘Follow me,’ many are the stories of prophets who need to hear the words ‘Fear not, for I am with you.'”
December 21, 2024

Who Sends Thee?

“One day while plowing I heard a voice, whether inside me or outside of me I knew not, but I was awake. It said, ‘Go thou and see the president.’ I answered, ‘Yea, Lord, thy servant heareth.’ And unhitching my plow, I went at once to the house and said to mother, ‘Wilt thou go with me to Washington to see the president?’ ‘Who sends thee?’ she asked. ‘The Lord,’ I answered.”
December 22, 2024

Suspend the Normal Rules of Social Discourse

“I want to put this in such a way that you get a little scared about your responsibility. Because you should be. Not so scared you’re paralyzed and not able to do it, but aware that we are suspending the normal rules of social discourse in a very profound way and inviting you into a parallel universe and alternate reality.”
December 23, 2024

It Is Seekers Who Make Prophets

“The variable that marks some periods as barren and some as rich in prophetic vision is in the interest, the level of seeking, the responsiveness of the hearers. The variable is NOT in the presence or absence, or the relative quality and force, of the prophetic voices. Prophets grow in stature as people respond to their message. If their early attempts are ignored or spurned their talent may wither away.”
December 24, 2024

What Defines Us as Friends

“Our commitment to Quaker process isn’t primarily a commitment to efficiency. It’s a commitment to being the body of Christ, with all the discomfort that life in the body entails. When we fail in our process, we fail in our life as the body, because failure of the process inevitably means that one part of the body has been judged to mean less to the body than another part of the body.”
December 25, 2024

Trust That God Is Present

“God speaks, touches, and reveals in God’s own way and in God’s own time. Still, the presence of certain conditions, such as trust, prayer, and patience, makes discernment of God’s call more likely. Having or meeting these conditions does not mean that we will discern God’s call, only that discernment becomes more likely…”
December 26, 2024

How to Clerk a Quaker Committee Meeting

“The purpose of meeting for worship is to listen to each other, to listen to God, and to deepen our relationship with God by deepening our love for each other. The purpose of a Quaker committee is to serve the needs of our meeting and to practice worship. The purpose of a committee is not necessarily to solve a problem quickly.”
December 27, 2024

The Power of a Quaker Clearness Committee

“[I] once sat on a clearness committee for a couple [where the husband had had an affair]. They had been married many many years, and are still happily married. What it took for them to get through this was commitment and courage. They both wanted to save their marriage; they both were willing to be radically honest and to listen to the other one speak…”
December 28, 2024

After a Period of Silence, Our View Was Completely Changed

“In 1948, there were 750,000 refugees on the Gaza strip; the new state of Israel had just been established. The UN asked [American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)] to take responsibility for feeding, housing, etc. At the meeting of the AFSC Board of Directors, all speakers said the work needed doing, but all agreed it was just too big for the Service Committee. They counseled that we should say no, with regrets. Then the chairman called for a period of silence, prayer, meditation. Ten or fifteen minutes went by in which no one spoke. The chairman opened the discussion once again. The view around the table was completely changed: ‘Of course, we have to do it.’ There was complete unity.”
December 29, 2024

I Was Jealous that Spirit Had Never Spoken to Me

“A few years ago I joined a spiritual friendship group at my meeting because I was curious about others’ spiritual lives and looking for inspiration for my own. What I heard were personal accounts of mysticism, from the miraculous (“I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice shouting at me!”) to the prosaic (“Way opened, and I followed.”). Frankly, I was jealous; I was sure that Spirit had never spoken to me.”

This week’s messages are guest edited by Ashley M. Wilcox, Quaker minister, best-selling author of The Women’s Lectionary, and founder of Public Friends, a new nonprofit created to support Quaker ministers. Find out more about Ashley.

November 25, 2024

The Reason for our Being

“My soul sings in gratitude. I’m dancing in the mystery of God. The light of the Holy One is within me and I am blessed, so truly blessed. This goes deeper than human thinking. I am filled with awe at Love whose only condition is to be received.”
November 26, 2024

Lovely Mary Dyer

The lovely Mary Dyer / With her eyes could start a fire. / And lovely lady Dyer / Could have called the law a liar. / Mary with her head held high. / Mary with her head held high.
November 27, 2024

God Is Within Her

“God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.”
November 28, 2024

Mary Magdalene, Apostle to the Apostles

“Mary Magdalene has been called the Apostle to the Apostles because she was the first to share the good news of the Resurrection (John 20:17-18).” 
November 29, 2024

The Only Way Through the Cloud of Unknowing

“The first time you practice contemplation, you’ll only experience a darkness, like a cloud of unknowing. You won’t know what this is. You’ll only know that in your will you feel a simple reaching out to God. You must also know that this darkness and this cloud will always be between you and your God, whatever you do. They will always keep you from seeing God clearly by the light of understanding in your intellect and will block you from feeling God fully in the sweetness of love in your emotions.”
November 30, 2024

What Some Friends Find Unpalatable

“This may be what some modern Friends find unpalatable – that they may be asked to endure the prophetic or teaching ministry of gifted ministers who have actually been given permission by the meeting to tell us when we fall short in our faithfulness.”
December 1, 2024

Preparing the Way for Powerful Ministry

“The query for this week is: How can we prepare the way for powerful ministry? This is a query I have been living into in my own life. I recently founded a nonprofit called Public Friends; the mission of Public Friends is ensuring the future of Friends in North America by supporting and developing Quaker ministers to a professional standard. My hope is that Public Friends will prepare the way for powerful ministry.”

What does it mean to be informed by Spirit in our roles as family members, friends, and partners? You are invited to examine caregiving and being cared for, sexual ethics, the responsibility and privilege of closeness, and what we owe ourselves and others. Having close relationships is a gift, even when it is difficult; struggle can teach us about ourselves and bring us closer to each other and the divine. 

October 28, 2024

The Hardest Lesson

“Love is the hardest lesson in Christianity; but, for that reason, it should be most our care to learn it.”
October 29, 2024

Become for Each Other the Presence of God

“[We need to] rediscover the possibilities of a friendship in which the deepest areas of experience may be shared. Certainly that kind of openness seems to have existed in earlier generations among a group who were very significant in the life of the Society. Until this century it was not uncommon for Friends to travel in the ministry, following a real sense of leading in this direction. Often they went out in pairs, one older, one younger.”
October 30, 2024

How Powerful it Is to Be Really Listened To

“I asked a friend if they’d be willing to try a spiritual friendship practice with me. We met roughly once a month to talk about what was going on in our spiritual lives and to listen to each other. This brought home to me how powerful it is to be really listened to. Here was a space where I could talk about spirituality without fear of ridicule.”
October 31, 2024

Joining in Marriage Is the Work of the Lord Only

“I asked a friend if they’d be willing to try a spiritual friendship practice with me. We met roughly once a month to talk about what was going on in our spiritual lives and to listen to each other. This brought home to me how powerful it is to be really listened to. Here was a space where I could talk about spirituality without fear of ridicule.”
November 1, 2024

How to Become a Member of a Spiritual Family

“We are born into families in order to be able to transcend them and become members of a spiritual family in Christ. Our new spiritual families, our families of choice, do not necessarily exclude our relatives, but, on the other hand, do not automatically include them either. It is important to clarify that this is an internal struggle that an individual faces and is not something to be imposed by some outside authority as has happened in some churches. Also this is not a matter of taking stock of what theological or political tenets or lifestyles our family members hold and then deciding to exclude those who do not believe or live the way we do. We are really talking about what happens to family members who are in abusive relationships…”
November 2, 2024

Spirituality and Sexuality in Harmony

“Our sexuality is ultimately tied to who we are as spiritual persons. The spiritual life enhances our sexuality and gives it direction. Our sexuality gives an earthy wholeness to our spirituality. Our spirituality and our sexuality come into a working harmony in the life of the kingdom of God.”
November 3, 2024

Quakerism in Couples Therapy

“When I became a therapist I thought it was the ethical thing to do to keep my religion off the couch. And in the beginning, that’s what I believed I was doing. But as I reflect, I see that my Quakerism has been a central part of my work from the very beginning, even though I rarely mention it out loud.”
November 4, 2024

True Devotion

“I honor you / You honor me / Let this rhythm continue on / Eternally”
November 5, 2024

Friends Do Not Take Readily to Being Cared For

“Friends do not take readily to being cared for. ‘Caring matters most’ has been quoted to us when seeking direction during our active years. But many of us will find that we ourselves are in need of full care in our old age. This will not be easy. It calls for ‘a different kind of living,’ as one Friend commented when answering questions about experience in a home for the elderly. Uprooted from familiar well-loved things, of house and neighbours, released from stabilising responsibilities (however small), there will be adjustments to be made.”
November 6, 2024

Being single and fulfilled

“Singleness is a state in which many of us find ourselves… Some of us choose, for various reasons to remain single – an absorbing career perhaps or the care of others which we feel demands all we have to give and in which we find fulfilment. We all need to love and be loved and for some of us this need is met, and can be met, in all sorts of nourishing ways. We need to look for these ways and then recognise them with joy when they come to us.”
November 7, 2024

Independence and Dependence

“In the true marriage relationship the independence of the husband and wife is equal, their dependence mutual, and their obligations reciprocal.”
November 8, 2024

Accept Sorrow as a Friend

“What we must do…with God’s help, is to accept sorrow as a friend, if possible. If not, as a companion with whom we will live for an indeterminate period, for whom we have to make room as one makes room for a guest in one’s house, a companion of whom we shall always be aware, from whom we can learn and whose strength will become our strength. Together we can create beauty from the ashes and find ourselves in the process.”
November 9, 2024

Light Arises Out of Darkness

“Art thou in darkness? Mind it not, for if thou do it will fill thee more, but stand still and act not, and wait in patience till light arises out of darkness to lead thee. Art thou wounded in conscience? Feed not there, but abide in the light, which leads to the grace and truth, which teaches to deny and put off the weight, and removes the cause, and brings saving health to light.”
November 10, 2024

Nourish Your Torn Spirit

“Return to the most human, / nothing less will nourish the torn spirit, / the bewildered heart, / the angry mind: / and from the ultimate duress, / pierced with the breath of anguish, / speak of love.”
November 11, 2024

Becoming Friends With God

“I have been inspired by what Jesus says about friendship, particularly how we can have an intimate relationship with the Divine. Quakers have adopted this ideal friendship as the basis for their name, the Religious Society of Friends. In John 15, Jesus tells his disciples that there is only one commandment that really matters. Love. He then defines love as the willingness to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. This is a high bar for friendship, yet it is important to remember that real friendship usually entails some self-sacrifice.”
November 12, 2024

The Holy Pause

“Have you ever sat with a friend when in the course of an easy and pleasant conversation the talk took a new turn and you both listened avidly to the other and to something that was emerging in your visit? You found yourselves saying things that astonished you and finally you stopped talking and there was an immense naturalness about the long silent pause that followed. In that silent interval you were possessed by what you had discovered together. If this has happened to you, you know that when you come up out of such an experience, there is a memory of rapture and a feeling in the heart of having touched holy ground.”
November 13, 2024

God Is Attempting to Have a Conversation

“In meeting for worship, God is inviting us to come deeper, ‘Come drop down, come down to meet me, that I may offer you this gift.’ And I think that’s what I [listen] for as people are speaking, because I actually do believe in each and every situation, God is attempting to have a conversation. God is wanting to be met.”
November 14, 2024

Respecting the Integrity of the Child’s Struggle

“If, in loving our children, we want them to respond to personal leadings in life, we will need to teach them that sometimes it’s hard work… As a parent, I am tempted to take away difficult experiences from my children, deliver them miraculously from their hurts so that they can arrive at understanding without having had to struggle to earn it. We have been taught to think of negative emotions and pain as bad things, rather than growth producers. As parents, we can climb alongside our children as they struggle, but we cannot lift them to the mountaintop… [We must] respect the integrity of the child’s struggle.”
November 15, 2024

Our First Experience of Love

“It is striking that so much of our imagery regarding religious experience is couched in terms of the family: God, loving and forgiving Mother and Father of us all; Jesus, our Teacher and Elder Brother; we, the wayward children united through God in the sisterhood of humankind.”
November 16, 2024

Solitude and Loneliness

“The amount of solitude which is attainable or would be wholesome in the case of any individual life is a matter in which each of us must judge for himself. I would not, if I might, attempt to prescribe in this matter for any human being but myself – and I feel that it needs much wisdom to minister even to oneself in regard to it. But I also feel sure that a due proportion – whether it be little or much – a due proportion of solitude is one of the most important conditions of mental health. Therefore (to return to our original problem) if it be our lot to stand apart from those close natural ties by which life is for most people shaped and filled, let us not be in haste to fill the gap; let us not carelessly or rashly throw away the opportunity of entering
November 17, 2024

A Mission of Religious Friendship

“In the autumn of 1658, just after the death of the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell, two Westcountry women set sail for the shores of the Mediterranean, leaving the shores of their fractured homeland for a mission of religious friendship. Katherine Evans and Sarah Cheevers were both married with children, but such was the strength of their bond, and their commitment to the Quaker faith, that the demands of family and neighborhood were set aside.”
November 18, 2024

Some People Are Born Lovers

“There are some individuals who by constitution are born lovers, who have what a friend of mine calls “the gift of intimacy.” To be near them is to find yourself warmed by their fire. Their presence in the midst seems to activate in others a contagion of good feeling towards the world in general. But for most of us, it is a thing that has to be worked at, cultivated as a kind of inner development. We have all experienced this warmth in some degree. You know what a difference it makes when you feel that another person is truly aware of you, of your presence, or even of your existence.”
November 19, 2024

The Amish Attitude Toward Technology

“The practise of discernment helps us to realise that we do have choices about the kind of family life we cultivate. We do not simply have to accept whatever the consumer culture dictates, including the deliberate targeting of children by the advertising industry. Neither do we have to reject modern culture wholesale in the attempt to protect our children from everything potentially harmful.” 
November 20, 2024

I Praise Thee, Lord, With My Breasts

“…There is for some of us beyond the sexual experience a further one, in which there comes a spiritual blessing of the body. While this is not in the least pious it is intensely held and when it happened to me I found myself murmuring, ‘I praise thee, Lord, with my breasts, I praise thee with my womb, I praise thee with my whole body and all my love…’ I had been in some suffering and was determined, if I could, to remain faithful to my marriage and to those I had such affection for.”
November 21, 2024

There Is No Greater Thing Than Pure Unselfish Love

“Every man knows in his heart that there is no greater thing in the world than pure unselfish love. Death cannot conquer, nay, he teaches ever that love is supreme. Good men do not die. Their lives are as the tearing of the veil, they show us something of that which is eternal, for if here love is greatest in the heart of man, must it not be greatest in God himself? And if greatest in himself, then let the mystery of his will be never so dark, we may gird ourselves each to his life’s work with something more than courage.
November 22, 2024

Wait Patiently and Creatively

“For me the certain realisation of God came at the time of the breakdown of my marriage. The unthinkable had happened and I seemed to be at my lowest state physically and mentally. There seemed to be no present and no future but only a nightmare of dark uncertainty. One distinct message reached me: to ‘go under’ was out of the question, I could only start again, learn from my mistakes and take this second chance at life that I had been given. I found a strength within I did not know I had, and I believe now that it came from the prayers and loving support of so many people round me.”
November 23, 2024

How We Should Speak to God

“I came to realise that the best way to deepen my love of God was to use my experience of the love in my everyday life in all its variety, subtlety and uncertainty. Getting on with those I love is often a business demanding patience, discretion, tact and understanding. It gets complicated sometimes. It also gets strained, occasionally to the breaking point. But without expression it is barren. I show my love in the things I do, and I also show it by words of endearment. These things are all part and parcel of one another. This is what worship should be like. This is the idiom in which we should speak to God.”
November 24, 2024

Nurturing the Light in Each Other

“In my selections this month I tried to capture the holiness and messiness that closeness brings. We read about the power of spiritual friendships, and how friendship can become spiritual. That sexuality is a gift from God, which we are tasked with using with integrity. That marriage is a divine leading built on reciprocity. That we are our children’s first spiritual teachers. And that when we experience loss or loneliness, we are presented with the opportunity to enter into ‘deeper and more continual acquaintance with the unseen and eternal things.'”

With the theme of integrity, we learn from our Quaker ancestors and elders what it means to embody our beliefs consistently in every aspect of our lives. Integrity means honesty and truth-telling, even when those truths are uncomfortable. We dig into the history of refusing to take oaths and doff hats, the invention of the price tag, and other ways Friends have brought their public lives in line with their spiritual convictions.

September 30, 2024

Please Be Patient, Those of You Who Have Found a Rock to Stand On

“Some among us have a clear sense of what is right and wrong – for themselves personally if not for everyone else. They have a reassuring certitude and steadiness which can serve as a reference point by which others may navigate. There are others who live in a state of uncertainty, constantly re-thinking their responses to changing circumstances, trying to hold onto what seems fundamental but impelled to reinterpret, often even unsure where lies the boundary between the fundamental and the interpretation…”
October 1, 2024

You Can’t Withdraw from Life While Deciding How to Live

“In my own search for Truth, a major step came during the years 1952-1953. This step consisted in a release from the belief that Truth had to be ‘certain;’ rational, logical, self-sustaining, self-evident, publicly demonstrable. I suddenly came to see that whenever I made such demands I inevitably discovered only myself: I was walled in by myself, limited to myself, for I was the one who was being logical, being rational, standing as judge over the Truth. It is a small world on those terms.”
October 2, 2024

Be Valiant for the Truth Upon the Earth

“Our first task is to love one another, to be valiant for the truth upon the earth, and to remain attentive to the true spirit in all that we do. This task infuses all our lives. It is, indeed, not so much a specific thing to do as a manner in which to do all things. For that reason its importance is likely to be overlooked: we are tempted to rush on past this advice about every little action, about the details of everyday living, in order to get to those tasks that may save the world, or at least change it.”
October 3, 2024

John Woolman: He Agreed to Set Her Free.

“A neighbour… desired me to write his will: I took notes, and, amongst other things, he told me to which of his children he gave his young negro: I considered the pain and distress he was in, and knew not how it would end, so I wrote his will, save only that part concerning his slave, and carrying it to his bedside, read it to him, and then told him in a friendly way, that I could not write any instruments by which my fellow-creatures were made slaves, without bringing trouble on my own mind.”
October 4, 2024

Live Up to the Light That Thou Hast

Live up to the Light, / the Light that thou hast. / Live up to the Truth, / and remember, my child, / you are never alone, / no, never.
October 5, 2024

All Truth Is a Shadow Except the Utmost

“All Truth is a shadow except the last, except the utmost; yet every Truth is true in its kind. It is substance in its own place, though it be but a shadow in another place (for it is but a reflection from an intenser substance); and the shadow is a true shadow, as the substance is a true substance.”
October 6, 2024

Living a Life of Integrity

“If we are mindful and self-aware, we recognize in our own lives those moments and places of disconnection. Paul spoke about this in his letter to the Roman community, when he wrote, ‘I don’t understand my own actions. I do not do what I want; I do the very thing I hate.’ We all know that feeling, don’t we? We all experience this disconnection, this lack of integration, and are troubled by it, especially when we notice it in ourselves.”
October 7, 2024

Let Your “Yes” be “Yes,” and Your “No,” “No”

“Again, you have heard that it was said to the ancients, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill your vows to the Lord.’ But I tell you not to swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is His footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Nor should you swear by your head, for you cannot make a single hair white or black. Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ Anything more comes from the evil one.”
October 8, 2024

To Strive for Wholeness Is to Be Vulnerable

“The practice of Integrity is about both self-awareness and wholeness. It is born out of a community of practice committed to living integrated lives. Practices and language develop out of that commitment that gives tools for understanding the self, my relationship to God and other people, the natural world, and material objects. A practice of integrity provides a kind of self-reflective mirror upon which I am invited to look at myself and my community and reflect upon whether my ‘Yes is Yes,’ and my ‘No is No.'” 
October 9, 2024

How Quakers Invented the Price Tag

“The Quakers thought charging different people different prices for the same thing was morally wrong. So they did this radical thing. In a Quaker store, they said, ‘Each item has one price. The price is just the price.'”
October 10, 2024

Speaking Truth Is the Simplest Way of Leading Your Life

“I have long believed that speaking truth is both the simplest way of leading your life and one of the most difficult to achieve.”
October 11, 2024

The Quaker Testimony of Truthfulness

“The Quaker testimony to truthfulness is central to the practice of its faith by members of the Religious Society of Friends. From the beginning Friends have believed that they could have direct and immediate communication with God which would enable them to discern right ethical choices. They soon experienced common leadings of the Spirit which became formalised into testimonies… Arising from the teaching of Jesus as related in the writings of John and James: ‘Let your Yes mean Yes and your No mean No’, Quakers perceived that with a conscience illuminated by the Light, life became an integrated whole with honesty as its basis.”
October 12, 2024

A Vain Fear of Failure

“Theologically, a scruple is defined as ‘a vain fear of sin where there is no reason or reasonable ground for suspecting sin,’ and I would add, a vain fear of compromise, a vain fear of failure, a vain fear of the judgment of others where there is no good reason to be concerned.”
October 13, 2024

Integrity in an Untruthful World

“I began to ask other Friends about their own Integrity witness. What do they do when faced with oaths and oath-like situations? How do they respond? Interestingly, George Fox and yearly meetings notwithstanding, most Friends I talked to admitted fudging a little when the chips are down. One Friend, when sworn in as part of a jury pool, simply didn’t raise his hand. Another didn’t stand. Some Friends have substituted the word ‘affirm’ for ‘swear’ when repeating after the judge. Others have figuratively held their noses and signed papers that were essentially oaths. Few of us, however, have chosen to make a public witness.”
October 14, 2024

The Story of the Incorrigible Quakers and Their Hats

“‘When we were brought into the court,’ says Fox, ‘we stood a pretty while with our hats on, and all was quiet, and I was moved to say, “Peace be amongst you!” “Why do you not put your hats off?” said the judge to us. We said nothing. “Put off your hats,” said the judge again. Still we said nothing. Then said the judge, “The court commands you to put off your hats.”‘” 
October 15, 2024

Meeting for Sufferings

“Fifteen-year-old Retford boy, James Parnell, became a Quaker and in 1653 travelled to visit George Fox in prison in Carlisle. He preached in eastern England, was accused of causing a riot, imprisoned in Colchester, and died there after eight months of cruel treatment. Over 450 Quakers died in prison during the early years of the movement.”
October 16, 2024

If You See Injustice, Take It On

“Everywhere you go, if you see injustice, you take it on. [Decades ago, as a child,] I went to the local public school. At that time, teachers were allowed to hit students, and I thought that was just wrong. So I was in first or second grade. I’m a Quaker; I believe in nonviolence. There’s no way it should be acceptable for a teacher to hit their students. And so I refused to go to school. My parents said, ‘That’s totally legitimate.'”  
October 17, 2024

Allow Truth to Settle Your Fear and Strengthen Your Muscles

“God is reality, that which is; nonviolence, that which holds back from hurt; love, that which goes out to others; pure wisdom, that which is free of outward schemes. He is that power which the apostle John called Truth – that name so profound and yet so incomplete, which embraces all the others, which suggests the eternal inward fact and order and aim of all life. To mean the words the Power of Truth is to mean the very source and strength of all that exists.”
October 18, 2024

A Quaker Child Takes a Knee

“Liam took a knee as his Cub Scout troupe led the Durham City Council in the pledge of allegiance.”
October 19, 2024

Truth, Authenticity, Faithfulness, and Wholeness

“Integrity calls for obedience, or if you prefer, faithfulness to conscience illuminated by the Light Within… It is truth which may well have objective validity, as I believe it does, but if it is not truth which is internalized in each of us, and for which we take ownership, then it is not truth which is valid and binding for us…” 
October 20, 2024

A Modern Quaker Follows George Fox’s Example in Court

“Grant, in characteristic Christian fashion, offered the agent an apple, but he declined because he was “on duty.” The agent turned out to be a Baptist which led to much discussion on the duties of a Christian. When Grant was The judge, however, did not accept this viewpoint. He was quite willing to tolerate failure to rise and plain clothes, but not the failure to observe hat honor. turned over to the U.S. Marshal, the agent finally accepted an apple because he was no longer “on duty.” At the sentencing he spoke up to mention Grant’s letter of nonregistration to the draft board to show the judge that Grant did not evade detection for violating the Selective Service law, but publicly refused to register for reasons of conscience.” 
October 21, 2024

Would You Lie to Preserve Your Integrity?

“Integrity is one of the virtues for which Quakers in the past have been praised. It is a quality worth having, but it is doubtful if it can be reached by self-conscious effort or by adherence to a principle… Integrity is a condition in which a person’s response to a total situation can be trusted: the opposite of a condition in which he would be moved by opportunist or self-seeking impulses breaking up his unity as a whole being.”
October 22, 2024

Why Quaker Oats Chose a Quaker for Its Mascot

“In 1877, Quaker Oats registered as the first trademark for a breakfast cereal. The trademark was registered with the U.S. Patent Office as ‘a figure of a man in “Quaker garb.”‘ Both former owners, Henry Seymour and William Heston, claimed to have selected the Quaker name as a symbol of good quality and honest value.”
October 23, 2024

How Do We Love Ourselves?

“I think that we must first, and always, adhere firmly to the view that the right way is there to be found. ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart.’ Yet we shall not always find the right way. ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.’ How do we love ourselves?”
October 24, 2024

Are the Seeds of War Nourished by Your Possessions?

“May we look upon our treasures, and the furniture of our houses, and the garments in which we array ourselves, and try whether the seeds of war have nourishment in these our possessions, or not.” 
October 25, 2024

Conscience Is Not the Infallible Voice of Truth

“Conscience is not the infallible voice of truth, of the moral law, of God, or of anything else, but only man’s ability to hear this voice. This inner ear of man is, however, just as much subject to error as his physical ear.” 
October 26, 2024

The Relationship Between Your Inner and Outer Lives

“[The first generation of Friends] came upon a faith which cut to the root of the way they saw life, radically reorienting it. They saw that all they did must flow directly from what they experienced as true, and that if it did not, both the knowing and the doing became false. In order to keep the knowledge clear and the doing true, they stripped away anything which seemed to get in the way. They called those things superfluities, and it is this radical process of stripping for clear-seeing which we now term simplicity…”
October 27, 2024

Why I Stopped Saying the Pledge of Allegiance

“When I left a Quaker elementary school for a public middle school as a kid, I was surprised and confused by the mandatory morning pledge of allegiance to the American flag. I didn’t like it, but my Quaker education hadn’t been extensive enough for me to articulate why. I ended up going along with it because I was afraid to rock the boat in a new environment. By high school, I had the time and maturity to consider it more, and I chose not to stand or recite the pledge. I didn’t like the idea that I was swearing allegiance to a symbol, that this oath was supposed to take precedence over my conscience, and I didn’t believe that our country really provides “liberty and justice for all,” as the pledge states.”

Contemplation and activism are sometimes presented as a dichotomy in Quakerism, but they are, in fact, intimately related. A rich spiritual life can inspire and ground our work in the world, and faithfulness to leadings can deepen our relationship with Spirit. From the time of the first Friends, Quakers have aspired to “be patterns, be examples” (George Fox) and “stand in the gap” (William Penn), in public witness to our corporate faith.

September 2, 2024

A Gift is a Summons to Service

“The man who can teach men has no right to raise turnips. Then, too, we all have special gifts and aptitudes which peculiarly fit us for some tasks rather than for other tasks. The very possession of a marked aptitude or gift is in itself a divine call and carries with it a summons to service – a noblesse oblige.”
September 3, 2024

We Were All Made Differently

“Those of us known as ‘activists’ have sometimes been hurt by the written or spoken implication that we must be spending too little time on our spiritual contemplative lives. I do know many atheists who are active to improve the lot of humankind. But, for those of us who are Friends, our attendance at meeting for worship and our silent prayerful times are what make our outer activity viable and effective – if it is effective.”
September 4, 2024

Exciting Our Endeavors to Mend the World

“True godliness does not turn men out of the world, but enables them to live better in it, and excites their endeavours to mend it; not to hide their candle under a bushel, but to set it upon a table in a candlestick.”
September 5, 2024

A Commitment to Moral Equality

“Most of us would like to believe that we have no outsized biases in favor of kith and kin, but research findings from neuroscience make that pretty unlikely. My commitment to moral equality is thus a commitment to be as sensitive as I can to areas where my biases might lead me to make unwarranted assessments. We are challenged, first, to notice unfair practices — and then to speak out against them.”
September 6, 2024

We Must Have Faith in Compassionate Motives

“The effects of our actions are largely beyond our control. Any happening they may influence has multiple causes that can never be unravelled; the contribution of what we did is as hard to assess as that of a single strand in a rope. We must have faith that if we purify our hearts, making our motives more compassionate, what we do will strengthen unimaginably the great forces that can save humanity.”
September 7, 2024

Love Was the First Motion

“Love was the first motion, and thence a concern arose to spend some time with the Indians, that I might feel and understand their life and the Spirit they live in, if haply I might receive some instruction from them, or they be in any degree helped forward by my following the leadings of Truth amongst them.”
September 8, 2024

Every Human Being is Precious

“Given the climate disaster that we are facing and the divisions that are happening politically, we have such an important role to play in highlighting that every human being is precious.”
September 9, 2024

The Most Joyous and Wondrous Thing We Can Do

“Finding and being found by that of God within me releases me from the dilemma of ‘Should I? Is it worth it? What good can I do?’ The answers to these questions are no longer important. What matters is that I must act, and that the task will be given to me. In my school motto was my answer — Servite in caritate — service with love.”
September 10, 2024

Dare to speak out

“Granted that Quakers have a tradition in civil liberties, what are they doing now? We ought to be hesitant to glory in past acts and quick to recognize that too often Quakers live today on the legacies of respect left by the rebels of yesteryear rather than to dare to speak out on modern equivalents of problems which landed their ancestors in prison.” 
September 11, 2024

“Love” can be the toughest or the fluffiest word in the language

“The sense of being answerable to the testimonies* may sound like a burden. Indeed, many people who are attracted by Quaker life find it daunting, demanding unsustainable standards of them. Others may reject it, as many reject the peace testimony, as unrealistically idealistic, divorced from everyday life. They may even shrug it off as hypocrisy.”
September 12, 2024

Activism Is a Species of Worship

“[Though the legacy of John Woolman,] we are invited to see our activism as a species of worship. For activists, this is an invitation to root our activism more fully in the transforming power of meeting for worship and the love of God we encounter there. For those who are more of a contemplative than an activist orientation, it challenges us to broaden our understanding of the boundaries of the meetinghouse, and the boundaries of worship itself.”
September 13, 2024

What it Means to Be Incarnation People

“No matter what else we may imagine the life of Jesus to be, it is certainly understood to be a revelation of God’s love through a human life, and what that means, among other things, is that humans and God are not so far apart as we may be led to believe, that God’s love would be revealed to us through a human life. That sort of ups the ante in terms of what it means to be incarnation people, because if God’s love can be revealed through a human life, then God’s love can be revealed through my life.”
September 14, 2024

How to Bring Your Spiritual Self to Politics

“Despite the irritation you may feel about political candidates who pander to fear and despite the frustration you may have for the media/entertainment industry that fuels the rhetoric of fear, I encourage you to bring your spiritual selves to politics. Bring the certain knowledge that God’s love is abundant. Bring your hope that is fostered through the dedicated worship we share, the time of contemplation when we make ourselves open to continuing revelation, to discerning God’s call for us in this broken, yet beautiful world.”
September 15, 2024

We Owe Much to Spiritual Rebels and Revolutionaries

“In contrast with debilitating conformism prevailing in our capitalist-communist world, there is the positive response to the irrepressible voice of the Eternal speaking to man deep within. It was response to this Voice which produced a compassionate Buddha, a pioneering Abraham, a stirring Isaiah, an appealing Zoroaster. Irrepressible Voice! Woe comes to the prophet who does not speak out. For he has failed the Eternal at a moment of crisis. The Eternal will raise another who will not fail to speak out. For His words which are Spirit and Light must be spoken through man in order to reach the conscience of men.”
September 16, 2024

The Soul Displayed in Ordinary Occupations

“For some it is right to give their whole lives explicitly to concrete forms of service, but for most their service will lie ‘in the sheer quality of the soul displayed in ordinary occupations.’ Such ordinary occupations are sometimes an essential contribution to the liberation of another person for wider service, and in any case, the inspiration of a dedicated life lived in simple surroundings, though often untraceable, may be profound in its reach.”
September 17, 2024

Spirituality Is a Rehearsal

“For a musician, actor, or athlete, practice and rehearsal are simply steps toward the ultimate goal, the performance — the concert, the play, or the ball game. For a spiritually led person the same is true. The purpose of spiritual practice and rehearsal is to enable each of us to be spiritually led in the performance of our daily lives.”
September 18, 2024

Coming into Citizenship in a Heavenly Kingdom

“What we try to mend depends a good deal on what we perceive to be torn. The search for religious experience often originates in a sense of being alienated, separated, torn from the divine, the truth, the great community of the universe to which we yearn to belong. The religious experience itself often begins with a conversion (literally a ‘turning towards’), an experience of what might be called ‘disalienation,’ a coming into citizenship in a heavenly kingdom, an acceptance of membership in a divine community.”
September 19, 2024

We Are a Gentle, Angry People

“We are a gentle, angry people / And we are singing, singing for our lives / We are a land of many colors / And we are singing, singing for our lives”
September 20, 2024

Look Not to Yourself, But to That Within You

“I have thought this morning, whether we, as a Society, do not suffer more than we need, by expecting too much of ourselves; whether our hope and reliance is sufficiently on Him whom we desire to become our all in all; experience has taught me, that Christ in me, or His saying and anointing power in me, is indeed my only hope of glory. I look not to myself, but to that within me, that has to my admiration proved to be my present help, and enabled me to do what I believe myself I could not have done.”
September 21, 2024

We Say We Are Activists; Early Friends Said They Were Waiters

“When compared with bodily action, what could seem more inactive than waiting upon God? The modern world asks, ‘Where will that get you?’ Young people say, ‘We want action.’ Yet, as we have seen, it was precisely through this and other apparently inactive means that the early Friends came into a power of whole action that surpasses anything that we experience today.”
September 22, 2024

Bayard Rustin: “There is no need for me to fear.”

“About thirteen miles north of Nashville, I heard the racket of approaching police cars. In a few seconds the bus came to a sudden stop. A police car and two motorcycles drew up to us. Four police came thundering into the bus. They consulted shortly with the driver and then came back to me.”
September 23, 2024

Learn to Say No as Well as Yes

“My cosmic love, or the Divine Lover loving within me, cannot accomplish its full intent, which is universal saviourhood, within the limits of three score years and ten.* But the Loving Presence does not burden us equally with all things, but considerately puts upon each of us just a few central tasks as emphatic responsibilities. For each of us these special undertakings are our share in the joyous burdens of love.”
September 24, 2024

The Seeds of Concern Are Given for Planting

“In prayer, the seeds of concern have a way of appearing. Often enough a concern begins in a feeling of being liable, personally responsible for someone or some event. With it may come an intimation that one should do some little thing: speak to some person, make an inquiry into a certain situation, write a letter, send some money, send a book. Or it may be a stop in our minds about some pending decision, or a clear directive that now is not the time to rest, or an urge to stay home when we had been meaning to be away.”
September 25, 2024

Wear Thy Sword as Long as Thou Canst

“Young William Penn, a gentleman of high social status, had heard Quakers preach and had experienced an opening of the Spirit in his own life. After a few months he had the opportunity of meeting George Fox, the inspiring leader of the Religious Society of Friends. Penn was obviously troubled in his conscience about following the custom of his class of wearing a sword. So he asked Fox, ‘How long should I wear my sword?’ Fox replied in the Quaker language of that day, ‘Wear thy sword as long as thou canst.'”
September 26, 2024

Individuals Can Resist Injustice, but Only in Community Can We Do Justice

“As a faith practice, sanctuary brings back into focus our community’s covenant to serve the Peaceable Kingdom. First, sanctuary cannot be reduced to or dismissed as a matter of individual conscience. An individual may provide refuge to the violated and may even prophesy, but only a congregation can gather as a church and enter into the communion that is sanctuary. Second, the practice of sanctuary fuses the concerns that are separate and even competing issues when relegated to the faith practice of individuals.”
September 27, 2024

Praying for Those in Power

“Tim Buckley is the CEO of Vanguard, one of the world’s largest investment management firms. Vanguard holds about $300 billion invested in fossil fuels, with about $101 billion invested in coal. As such, he has incredible power and sway in the world of fossil fuel investment. We’re walking to his house today to hold Quaker-style Meeting for Worship. It is simultaneously a spiritual gathering for worship and a campaign action organized by Earth Quaker Action Team.”
September 28, 2024

The Quaker Approach to Service

“If there is an identifiable Quaker approach to service, we could hope that it is embodied in this: that as in worship we follow the leadings of the Spirit and the Light faithfully, we are prepared to be led where it takes us — to let go of comfortable certainties and be taken into new knowledge, and also into painful and difficult experiences.” 
September 29, 2024

We Are Not Tasked with Fixing the Whole World Alone

“Thank you for exploring the relationship between faith and action with me this month, and for your wonderful query responses. As someone who leans contemplative, I often find myself overwhelmed by my activist leadings, overthinking them until they fizzle out. But the messages this month reminded me that I am not tasked with fixing the whole world alone; I have Spirit, I have community, and I have been given a few specific responsibilities to effect change.”

July 7, 2024

Something Much Older and Deeper Than Quakerism

“My experience is that there is a single root of our faith and life as a religious society — a taproot much older and runs much deeper than Quakerism. The taproot of a tree runs straight down from the trunk into the deepest soil, anchoring the tree against storms and providing nurture from the very deepest of sources. There may be hundreds of secondary roots, but only the taproot is necessary for the tree to survive and thrive. The Big Story — the Cosmic Story — is the story of creation’s eternally repeated encounters with its taproot.”
July 14, 2024

Minor Ecstasies Are Bits of Stardust

“[Minor ecstasies are] bits of star dust which are for all of us, however limited our opportunities. […] Something seen, something heard, something felt, flashes upon one with a bright freshness, and the heart, tired and sick or sad or merely indifferent, stirs and lifts in answer. Exercising our faculty for minor ecstasies may actually increase the number of them we feel.”
July 21, 2024

Feel the Healing Miracle Begin

“Breathe in the quiet purpose of this place; / Through outward stillness, seek a calm within. / Here we can find forgiveness and forgive; / Here feel the healing miracle begin.” 
July 28, 2024

What to Do in Times of Great Trouble

“In the time of great trouble there may be life stirring underneath, and a true and tender sense, and pure desires, in which there may be a drawing nigh and breathing of heart to the Lord; but, in the time of trouble and great darkness, may not a man easily desire amiss, and pray amiss, if he have not his guide. A little praying from God’s Spirit, and in that which is true and pure, is better than thousands of vehement desires in one’s own will, and after the flesh.”
August 4, 2024

Three Aspects of the Quaker Understanding of Life

“There are three aspects of the Quaker understanding of life in the early days of the Society. […] The first is that religion must be experimental and experiential. […] The second is the sense that true religion has implications for the whole of one’s life. […] The final starting point is the dedication to certain means as the most valuable and truest approaches to God. […] There is the basis for true unity, and that is the determination to testify honestly and fully to whatever is most deeply meaningful to each of us and to engage in dialogue with all others who are equally willing to be known by what matters most in life to them.”
August 11, 2024

Peace is Something You Are and Do

“The pacifist is literally a peace-maker. He is not a passive or negative person who proposes to lie back and do nothing in the face of injustice, unrighteousness and rampant evil. He stands for ‘the fiery positive.’ Pacifism is not a theory; it is a way of life. It is something you are and do.”
August 18, 2024

Come Home to the Body

“‘Pause and Sense’ [is a] practical body-mind experiment. This practice has been transformative for me. […] It’s about counteracting the tendency to live solely in the realm of thoughts, especially in situations where we’re physically present but mentally elsewhere, like when you’re waiting in a grocery store line.” 
August 25, 2024

Allow the Light to Be an Active and Growing Force

“For the first Quakers, convincement was about much more than accepting new beliefs. Even a powerful experience of the Light of Christ within was only the beginning. Then they learned how to allow that Light to be an active and growing force. After turning their attention to the inward presence of Christ, early Friends were shown startling and uncomfortable truths about the nature of their society and their inner psyche.”

This week’s messages are guest edited by Jon Watts, Quaker songwriter & videographer and founder of Thee Quaker Project (the organization that publishes the Daily Quaker Message). Find out more about Jon.

June 24, 2024

The Difference Between Happiness and Joy

“The real difference between happiness and joy is that one is grounded in this world, the other in eternity. Happiness cannot encompass suffering and evil. Joy can.” 
June 25, 2024

Let the Light Search You

“Now, Friends, deal plainly with yourselves, and let the eternal Light search you, and try you, for the good of your souls. For this will deal plainly with you. It will rip you up, and lay you open, and make all manifest which lodges in you; the secret subtlety of the enemy of your souls, this eternal searcher and trier will make manifest.”
June 26, 2024

The Whole of Life is Sacramental

“It is a bold and colossal claim that we put forward — that the whole of life is sacramental, that there are innumerable ‘means of grace’ by which God is revealed and communicated — through nature and through human fellowship and through a thousand things that may become the ‘outward and visible sign’ of an ‘inward and spiritual grace.’”
June 27, 2024

The Heart of the Quaker Tradition

“When George Fox was initially on his spiritual quest to understand the true nature of faith and Christianity, he was living in the midst of full-on Christendom, that is state-sponsored Christianity or Christianity twisted to become comfortable acting as ‘the religion of empire.’”
June 28, 2024

Do Not Fear Truth

“I give myself this advice: Do not fear truth, let it be ever so contrary to inclination and feeling. Never give up the search after it; and let me take courage, and try from the bottom of my heart to do that which I believe truth dictates.”
June 29, 2024

Room for the Infinite

“There is a profundity and subtlety in such pictures that we never should have missed. Such painting carries the universe in its bosom. It sets forth the Infinite, the Everlasting Background and Source of all things, and shows us the infinite particulars as out-jutting revelations of Itself. Out from It they came, back into It they retire. There is no disconnection; the finite is a fragmentary disclosure of the Infinite, a rhythm-filled continuation of that unspeakably full Life which gives it birth.”
June 30, 2024

A Deeper Understanding of Quaker Practice

“I remember when I first encountered Elise Boulding’s idea that joy can be rooted in something deeper than happiness – it was a revelation that set me free to be at peace with my range of emotions and not to try and suppress or control them, but to appreciate each as it comes, grounded in joy. Monday’s message from Boulding set us on a path this week of inward exploration, further punctuated by Margaret Fell’s description of the Light on Tuesday.”

In gathered worship, Friends achieve a greater depth of communion with Spirit than is possible alone. Being in community leads to spiritual growth, even when that growth is a product of discomfort.

This month you are invited to reflect on your own experiences in community and the ways you can contribute to creating a loving community, spiritual or otherwise.

May 27, 2024

Four Doors to Meeting for Worship

“I once thought worship was something I do, but for many years now it has seemed as if worship is actually a state of consciousness which I enter, so that I am immersed into a living, invisible stream of reality which has always been present throughout all history. In some mysterious way this stream unites me with the communion of the saints across the ages and brings me into the presence of the Living Christ, the Word, the Logos written of in the Gospel of John.”
May 28, 2024

Soak Up the Gift of Life

As I silence myself I become more sensitive to the sounds around me, and I do not block them out. The songs of the birds, the rustle of the wind, children in the playground, the roar of an airplane overhead are all taken into my worship. I regulate my breathing as taught me by my Zen friends, and through this exercise I feel the flow of life within me from my toes right through my whole body. I think of myself like the tree planted by the ‘rivers of water’ in Psalm 1, sucking up God’s gift of life and being restored.
May 29, 2024

Assume You’ll Be Needed Today

“Leave yourself out / to soften. / Assume you’ll be needed / today. Assume you’ll need / to be soft / and ready.”
May 30, 2024

The Faith of a Quaker

When I sit down in meeting I recall whatever may have struck me freshly during the past week. This is in part, initially at least, a voluntary and outward act… It means that the will is given up to service; and it is quite possible to stop everything by taking an opposite attitude. So thoughts suggest themselves – a text that has smitten one during the week – new light on a phrase – a verse of poetry – some incident, private or public. These pass before the door whence shines the heavenly light.
May 31, 2024

You are Held by a Love that Passes All Understanding

“I discovered the way to the interior side of my life, at the deep center of which I knew that I was not alone, but was held by a love that passes all understanding.  This love was mediated to me, in the first place, by those with whom I worshiped. For my journey was not solitary, but one undertaken with my friends as we moved towards each other and together traveled inwards.”
June 1, 2024

Quakers and Mindfulness

To clear your mind and become ‘spiritually focused,’ you have to learn to concentrate what George Fox called “thy wandering mind.” Unfortunately, many Quaker writings don’t specify a way to develop this concentration. But concentration is a central part of mindfulness, and the literature on mindfulness contains a lot of advice about learning to concentrate. Most of it boils down to repeatedly focusing your attention on your breath or some other aspect of your experience.
June 2, 2024

How to Practice Centering Prayer

“In 1987 I first came across the fourteenth century text and foundational text for Centering Prayer, The Cloud of Unknowing and I knew then that I’d found something I was looking for – a way to enter the sacred, a direct approach to God, and something that I believed would deepen my experience of meeting for worship: ‘Do not pray with words unless you feel you really must’ and ‘…look that nothing remains in your conscious mind but a naked intent stretching unto God, not clothed in any particular thought about God – what he is like in himself or in any of his works – but only that he is as he is.’”
June 3, 2024

One Must First Become Small

The phoebe sits on her nest Hour after hour, Day after day, Waiting for life to burst out From under her warmth.
June 4, 2024

The Silence of All Flesh

The silence we value is not the mere outward silence of the lips. It is a deep quietness of heart and mind, a laying aside of all preoccupation with passing things — yes, even with the workings of our own minds; a resolute fixing of the heart upon that which is unchangeable and eternal.
June 5, 2024

Bring Back Your Heart Patiently

When your heart is wandering and distracted, bring it back quickly to its point, restore it tenderly to its Master’s side, and if you did nothing else the whole of your hour but bring back your heart patiently and put it near our Lord again, and every time you put it back it turned away again, your hour would be well-employed.
June 6, 2024

That Which is Holy and Living

Oh, that ye might inwardly know these things! Turn in, turn in. Mind what stirs in your hearts; what moves against sin, what moves towards sin. The one is the Son’s life, the Son’s grace, the Son’s Spirit; the other is the spirit and nature which is contrary thereto. If ye could come but to the sense of this, and come to a true inward silence, and waiting, and turning at the reproofs of heavenly wisdom, and know the heavenly drawings into that which is holy and living, ye would soon find the Lord working in your hearts.
June 7, 2024

Do Not Protect Yourself From Silence

In contrast to traditional ways of living, modernity relies on what we can consciously think about and talk about, what we can demonstrate or exhibit in the public arena. We moderns need to be in control. That is our strength. But it is also our weakness, because we dare not trust those aspects of our life that elude our control, our rational understanding. We become insensitive to them, even sometimes denying their very existence.
June 8, 2024

Car Maintenance in Communion with Christ

As we learn the way of holy silence — a silence that expects to encounter and hear God — we begin finding our spirits in continuous communion with God. This can be true even when life rushes around us […] Interior soulful silence shows us that we can live at different levels. We can be outwardly busy while inwardly talking and listening to God.
June 9, 2024

Two Exercises to Help you Center Down

“There is a progression in the spiritual life. It is not wise to tackle the Mt. Everest of the soul before having had some experience with lesser peaks. So I would recommend beginning with a daily period of from five to ten minutes. This time is for learning to “center down,” or what the contemplatives of the Middle Ages called “re-collection.” It is a time to become still, to enter into the recreating silence, to allow the fragmentation of our minds to become centered.”
June 10, 2024

Heavenly Power That Draws Hundreds

The Lord of Heaven and earth we found to be near at hand, and, as we waited upon him in pure silence, our minds out of all things, his heavenly presence appeared in our assemblies, when there was no language, tongue, nor speech from any creature. The Kingdom of Heaven did gather us and catch us all, as in a net, and his heavenly power at one time drew many hundreds to land.
June 11, 2024

I Am Stable. I Am Grounded.

I am stable. I am grounded. I feel the earth beneath me. I feel balanced. I can’t be pushed from this place of physical and spiritual grounding easily.
June 12, 2024

God’s Attention

The central thrust of Early Quaker preaching was a call to people to know Christ as the Prophet, the one who is to be heard and obeyed, in all things. One of the first things that people did, when convinced by this message, was to gather together with others, likewise convinced, to hear their Christ, their Teacher. Once we understand this, we can see that gathering together in silence to hear Christ Jesus, is the only proper human response to God’s call to hear His Son. In that way, Quaker worship is itself, a response to God’s call to hear and obey Christ Jesus.
June 13, 2024

Drop Thy Still Dews of Quietness

With that deep hush subduing all Our words and works that drown The tender whisper of thy call, As noiseless let thy blessing fall As fell thy manna down.
June 14, 2024

A Perfect Pandemonium of Voices

“I began to get still. But I had no sooner commenced than a perfect pandemonium of voices reached my ears, a thousand clamoring notes from without and within, until I could hear nothing but their noise and din. Some of them were my own voice, some were my own questions, some of them were my very prayers. Others were the suggestions of the tempter, and the voices of the world’s turmoil.”
June 15, 2024

An Amazing Inner Sanctuary of the Soul

Deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Center, a speaking Voice, to which we may continuously return. Eternity is at our hearts, pressing upon our time-torn lives, warming us with intimations of an astounding destiny, calling us home unto Itself.
June 16, 2024

Quaker Worship and Meditation

“Those who are familiar with meditation, often from the popularisation of Buddhist meditation methods, but not with Quaker worship practices, often get the idea that they are very similar. I have read accounts of Quakers who first came to a Quaker meeting because they had been enjoying Buddhist meditation, but moved to an area with no sangha or meditation group, and were advised that what Quakers did was like meditation. There are, obviously, some superficial similarities – a whole bunch of people sitting in silence being the obvious one – and even some comparability of the inward practice, but there are fundamental differences that clearly separate the two experiences and practices.”

This month you are invited to reflect on your own experiences in community and the ways you can contribute to creating a loving community, spiritual or otherwise.

April 29, 2024

Brothering the Souls of Others

Quakers enter the service of silent waiting not alone or in a series of separate reveries but in a company of worshipers; they know something of the needs of their fellow worshipers; they know something of the sufferings and needs of the world. Often they are conscious of a whole redemptive company of faithful departed ones who are engaged in this all-embracing struggle as well.
April 30, 2024

Our Highest and Holiest Ideals

We’re not a seminary where beliefs must be memorized and affirmed. We are a community, a collection of people who believe if you create a rich and meaningful and compassionate community, then those who participate in that community will soak up those virtues, will marinate in those virtues, and will become who we ought to be through osmosis, through the gradual assimilation of the highest ideals we can imagine.
May 1, 2024

As Individuals, We See Only Partially

Although God calls each of us personally, as individuals we see only partially. Individual perception, reasoning, and understanding are always limited. Even a person who feels absolutely certain that a specific revelation comes from God may be mistaken as to how it is to be applied. Because God often reveals part of the picture to one person and another part to another person, it is prudent to consult one another to discern God’s counsel, guidance, and direction, even if there is no apparent reason to do so.
May 2, 2024

Build Afresh the Fires of Inspiration

We are a busy people (engaged in arduous occupations, in the work of the world, sometimes losing sight of the higher interests of life). And so we have been getting together every two years among other things to catch fresh inspiration from the look into each other’s faces, to learn from each other what can be done, what is being done, in the various fields of right and elevated effort, and to renew our zeal to build afresh the fires of inspiration.
May 3, 2024

The Spiritual Gifts of Others

One of the universal responsibilities, especially of elders, but also of all members, is to be sensitive to the latent, but awakening spiritual gifts of others, and to offer encouragement for their increased service to the meeting. A kindly word of appreciation, counsel, or guidance may render a welcome service to one who is very much aware of a strange stirring within, yet somewhat bewildered by it.
May 4, 2024

A Gathered Community

We do not want to discount the experience of Friends who live at too great a distance from their meeting to participate regularly, nor to deny that each of us must come individually to a sense of what is right and true and essential in spiritual matters. But time and experience have proven the value of a close, responsive community in fostering individual spiritual growth, in testing and tempering individual leadings and individual understanding, and in supporting individuals as they are called to act or to suffer for religious principle.
May 5, 2024

In Turbulent Times, Be Quaker

“I am always cagey around Quaker history. I have no Quaker roots in my family that I know of, I have not even experienced children’s meetings or young Quaker gatherings. There are few better ways to feel second class in a Quaker community than when reminded by another Friend of how rich and important their Quaker ancestry is. It is perhaps no surprise really that I connect more with the early Friends – theirs was a time where everyone came in as an enquirer, a seeker.”
May 6, 2024

Food is an Open Hand of Friendship

“The revival of Christian hospitality in which the members of the meeting partake of food with one another is essential. Visitors to the meeting and new members are especially grateful for this open hand of friendship. The increasingly elaborate meals which many consider it necessary to set before guests have made this hospitality difficult for persons in moderate circumstances, but a return to simplicity would help in bringing about the revival of this precious sacrament.”
May 7, 2024

Sharing in One Another’s Joys and Sorrows

The spiritual welfare of the meeting is greatly helped if its social life is vigorous and its members take a warm personal interest in one another’s welfare. The pastoral work of the Society is especially committed to the Ministry and Counsel Committee, but our members generally should not allow themselves to feel that they are relieved of the responsibility.
May 8, 2024

I Swim in it as in a Sea

I have perceiv’d that to be with those I like is enough, To stop in company with the rest at evening is enough, To be surrounded by beautiful, curious, breathing, laughing flesh is enough, To pass among them or touch any one, or rest my arm ever so lightly round his or her neck for a moment, what is this then? I do not ask any more delight, I swim in it as in a sea.
May 9, 2024

Raising Each Other’s Children

A Quaker Meeting is a fine place in which to bring up children when families do many things together – worship, play, and share the ups and downs of life. There was a group of about six families in our Meeting that shared so much that in a sense we all raised each other’s children and to this day we are one huge extended family, traveling any distance to be together for special life events like the next generation’s marriages.
May 10, 2024

Using Technology to Engage

Throughout the week [of the first virtual Friend General Conference* in June 2020], Friends used technology to engage with each other. They attended Pre-Gathering Retreats and affinity groups where they found safe, joyful spaces and community. They participated in workshops and afternoon presentations, listened to stories, made art together, laughed together, and worshiped together. We missed singing and dancing together.
May 11, 2024

The Fallacy of Rugged Individualism

So we are called to wholeness and simultaneously to recognition of our incompleteness; called to power and to acknowledge our weakness; called to both individuation and interdependence. Thus the problem – indeed, the total failure – of the “ethic” of rugged individualism is that it runs with only one side of this paradox, incorporates only one half of our humanity.
May 12, 2024

I’m Not a Member

“‘I’m not a member.’ Throughout my journey with Friends I have said that sentence many times and many different ways (apologetically, insecurely, matter-of-factly, as an aside or by means of explanation) but very rarely with any sense of empowerment. The reactions to this revelation vary (surprise, bafflement, consternation, concern) probably because I seem so committed to the Society.”
May 13, 2024

Celebrated for My Entire Self

The surprising thing about my journey in the Quaker faith, is that despite it being a predominantly white faith community, I’m still able to show up as my entire self and not be penalized for it or punished for it, in fact to be celebrated for it.
May 14, 2024

I Feel the Same Spirit

This is the true ground of love and unity, not that such a man walks and does just as I do, but that I feel the same spirit and life in him.
May 15, 2024

Common Ground for Understanding

I have been at a Quaker school since the age of eleven and one of the things I have found to be most important is how Quakerism embraces and acknowledges differences, whether they be racial or cultural ones, or gender and religion. Where there is less focus on similarities and an appreciation of individuality and difference, there is common ground for understanding which I think is part of what makes up the Quaker ethos and the integration of diversity at my school.
May 16, 2024

How Do We Embody the Beloved Community?

How do we do the work of embodying the Beloved Community in [our] meeting? It starts with honoring each other’s gifts and callings and showing loving kindness and respect towards one another. In our Meeting we have doctors, nurses, therapists, writers, artists, actors, teachers, academics, lawyers, gardeners, parents, grandparents, children, and much more.
May 17, 2024

Uniqueness Makes us Whole

By using the power of mature, redemptive love we can show each individual that we need his or her uniqueness to make us whole. We will then see that we have something to give others and that others have something to give us.
May 18, 2024

Painting Sanctuary

This artwork takes its title, “Beloved Community, Sanctuary Cities”, from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ideas of a beloved community, where all are equal and accepted, and the proclamation to be a place of sanctuary made by cities across the U.S., this painting is meant to be a hopeful vision to hold onto in our hearts and minds.
May 19, 2024

The Quaker Practice of Embracing Difference

I don’t think our understanding of ‘what we call God’ will ever be complete. Moreover, whatever is of God is bound to be beyond any clever myth we humans can devise. Yet, I do think that the divine gives us windows (decisive views) onto itself.
May 20, 2024

Less Like a Utopia and More Like a Crucible

Community comes as a byproduct of commitment and struggle. It comes when we step forward to right some wrong, to heal some hurt, to give some service. It always means the collision of egos. It is less like Utopia than like a crucible or a refiner’s fire.
May 21, 2024

We Are an Imperfect Human Community

The individual whose commitment to the community is based on a sense that these community members are somehow special human beings, who have the right concerns and values and live the right lives, will find great difficulty when members of the community fail to live up to these standards and expectations. Being human, we all fail repeatedly to live up to our own standards and expectations, and are bound to disappoint other people’s on occasion.
May 22, 2024

A Common Fear

The individual whose commitment to the community is based on a sense that these community members are somehow special human beings, who have the right concerns and values and live the right lives, will find great difficulty when members of the community fail to live up to these standards and expectations. Being human, we all fail repeatedly to live up to our own standards and expectations, and are bound to disappoint other people’s on occasion.
May 23, 2024

Seeking the Truth of a Person

The listening we advocate requires a particular mode: the questions are non-adversarial. The listening is nonjudgmental. The listener seeks the truth of the person questioned, seeks to see through any masks of hostility and fear to the sacredness of the individual, and to discern the wounds at the heart of any violence.
May 24, 2024

A More Painful Path

A mark of the liberating community is a radical commitment to a critical contemplation of one’s own life and the life of one’s faith community. This commitment is important for all groups and and especially important for communities like my own which have made small beginnings in aligning themselves with the oppressed, and are somewhere concretely involved in the struggle for justice.
May 25, 2024

Conflict is an Opportunity for Growth

“We start with the premise that conflict is normal and natural, wherever people are working and living together. It often happens that our behavior or response to conflict may cause us to regard it as a negative experience, perhaps even dangerous. But conflict itself is simply a condition in which peoples’ needs, wishes, and perceptions appear to be in opposition.”
May 26, 2024

“Duck Duck Goose” Turned Into a Prayer Circle

On Saturday of the Young Quakes gathering, a group of us were playing duck duck goose in a nearby field during our free time in the afternoon. We had just started to play when another young Friend from the conference came running down the road in tears and proclaimed the news: President George W. Bush just announced that the United States had officially begun bombing Afghanistan.

A spiritual discipline is any regular practice that helps you feel close to Spirit. From reading scripture, to walking, to singing, there are many ways to nourish your relationship with the Divine. Reading the Daily Quaker Message is a spiritual discipline, too!

This month you are invited to reflect on your own spiritual journey and try different spiritual disciplines on for size.

April 1, 2024

The Journey Begins

“The journey begins with longing, a desire for greater intimacy with God. This longing is experienced in many different ways, often as a heartfelt yearning for connection with God, or the need to be obedient to the divine will. Sometimes it manifests as dissatisfaction with the religious beliefs or practices in which one has been raised, or in dissatisfaction with the ways of the world.”
April 2, 2024

A Great Discovery

“The first Quakers, of the middle seventeenth century, had obviously made a great discovery. It not only changed their lives, giving them peace of mind and great joy, but it also fired them up to share what they had found and to hold it even when they were imprisoned and beaten for doing so. But what had they discovered?”
April 3, 2024

The Air is Filled with Angels

“A shovel is a prayer / To the farmer’s foot / When he steps down / And the soft earth gives way. A baby is a prayer / When it’s finally asleep / A whispered Amen / At the end of the day.”
April 4, 2024

Down Into the Light

“There is a way of ordering our mental life on more than one level at once. On one level we may be thinking, discussing, seeing, calculating, meeting all the demands of external affairs. But deep within, behind the scenes, at a profounder level, we may also be in prayer and adoration, song and worship, and a gentle receptiveness to divine breathings.”
April 5, 2024

The First Step to Peace

Be still and cool in thy own mind and spirit, from thy own thoughts. Then thou wilt feel the principle of God, to turn thy mind to the Lord God, whereby thou wilt receive God’s strength and power from whence life comes, whereby thou wilt receive Gods strength to allay all blustering, storms, and tempests.
April 6, 2024

Pursuing the Kingdom of God

Something becomes a spiritual practice once it is done with a sense of deliberate intention, with a purposeful determination. It also requires discipline. A spiritual practice requires regular practice! Spiritual disciplines root you in the present moment, and open you to mystical experience.
April 7, 2024

“Prayer” by Any Other Name Would Sound as Sweet

Prayer is a tough word for a lot of Friends; if you need to do so, translate it into a more comfortable word as you read along. Many contemporary Friends want no part of a practice in which one dials up God to make demands. Some Friends don’t believe in a personal God who is there to hear and respond. Others think that making demands is a poor way to enter into relationship with a personal God.
April 8, 2024

The Refuge of the Inner Chamber

A true mystic believes that all men have, as he himself is conscious of having, an inward life, into which, as into a secret chamber, he can retreat at will. In this inner chamber he finds a refuge from the ever-changing aspects of outward existence; from the multitude of cares and pleasures and agitations which belong to the life of the senses and the affections.
April 9, 2024

The Lord Give Thee the Clear Discerning

So, be still and quiet, and silent before the Lord, not putting up any request to the Father, nor cherishing any desire in thee; and the Lord give thee the clear discerning of all that springs and arises in thy heart.
April 10, 2024

There Are Many Ways to Be Contemplative

I’ve never, and still don’t really, find myself easily called to sitting in silent centering prayer. I haven’t given up on that! What I have learned […] however, was that there are many ways to be contemplative. That it’s more about the Holy Listening and less about what I may or may not be doing with my body in the moment. Chanting, body prayer, yoga, lectio divina, painting, poetry writing, and more became creative endeavors where I found myself being present to the moment, present to the Holy.
April 11, 2024

What Discipline is Right for You?

It is part of our formation in a listening spirituality to find which practices, at this time in our lives, are most supportive of our inward listening for the word, the guidance, the challenge, the reproof, the love – or simply intimations – of God’s presence. These can take many outward forms. It is a matter of some listening and discernment to find those which are right for us at any given moment.
April 12, 2024

Investing in your relationship with God

The great spiritual traditions suggest that the relationship with God is cultivated like other relationships: as we turn our attention toward God we open the possibility of a fuller relationship. Entering into this relationship does not so much require a change in our behavior as a shift of attention.
April 13, 2024

Journeying Together

The purpose of journeying together in spiritual friendship and spiritual community (whether there are just two of you or whether you are in a small group) is to listen to one another’s desire for God, to nurture that desire in each other and to support one another in seeking a way of life that is consistent with that desire.
April 14, 2024

What do they mean by ‘the Light of God’?

I came to Experiment with Light by accident, almost, because I was not into things like meditation or spirituality at the time. I was very much an intellectual. I was happy; I was a university academic. But I was getting stuck on some very important aspects of my own life. My personal life, but also my understanding. I was doing some research on the Quakers, and I wanted to know, what do they mean by “the light of God”? And “that of God”? It’s a strange phrase. What do they mean by that? So I said, “Alright, I’ll find out.”
April 15, 2024

What Are You Practicing For?

Discipline, strictly speaking, is activity carried on to prepare us indirectly for some activity other than itself. We do not practice the piano to practice the piano well, but to play it well.
April 16, 2024

Does Scripture Move You?

In the above painting, 19th century British prison reformer and Quaker Elizabeth Fry reads the bible to inmates at Newgate Prison. At Newgate, Fry established a school for children imprisoned with their parents, worked to get sentences commuted, and successfully campaigned for men and women to be separated to improve women’s safety. She taught female prisoners handwork skills to help them earn an income while incarcerated.
April 17, 2024

We Place Ourselves Where God Can Bless Us

The Disciplines allow us to place ourselves before God so that he can transform us… The inner righteousness we seek is not something that is poured on our heads. God has ordained the Disciplines of the spiritual life as the means by which we place ourselves where he can bless us. 
April 18, 2024

Iconography as a Starting Point for Prayer

I have occasionally found the experience of sitting before an icon to be startlingly similar to the experience of intentionally opening myself before God in prayer and worship. If the attention stays with the visual object, that object may become an idol: that which intervenes in the place of God. As something that opens, leads or guides to God (another meaning for icon in the early church), it can be a legitimate starting point for prayer.
April 19, 2024

Quakers and Fasting

Fasting was commonly practiced [by Quakers] as a spiritual aid in the mid seventeenth century. Hogwill fasted when in prison in Appleby, Nayler had been fasting prior to his “sign” in Bristol, and Farnworth issued a challenge to a fast in the course of a debate at Cambridge.
April 20, 2024

What Are You in the World For?

Our first single glimpse of Jesus’ interior life must be got without the help of any actual word of His. It is given to us in the gospel accounts of His discovery of His mission. How long the consciousness of mission had been gestating we cannot tell. What books He read, if any, are never named. What ripening influence the days of toil in the carpenter shop may have had, is unnoted.
April 21, 2024

Offer Yourself in Joyful Abandon

How, then, shall we lay hold of that Life and Power, and live the life of prayer without ceasing? By quiet, persistent practice in turning of all our being, day and night, in prayer and inward worship and surrender, toward Him who calls in the depths of our souls. Mental habits of inward orientation must be established. An inner, secret turning to God can be made fairly steady, after weeks and months and years of practice and lapses and failures and returns.
April 22, 2024

Today I Went Noticing…

Today I went noticing… and I noticed how the flooding across this gravel road created a lovely reflection of the sunrise and the telephone poles. I seriously looked all around for an interesting subject — a tree, a barn, something — to photograph at sunrise. But when the time came, the closest thing I could find was ditch water. And yet I think it will end up being my favorite photograph from the outing. I do really like it.
April 23, 2024

Images Are a Primary Language For the Soul

Images are a more primary language for the soul than words, and for many they are an important way to receive inward spiritual guidance. Some inner images that come in prayer, meditation, or dreams contain great wisdom and truth. If contemplated, they may assist in needed transformation or healing or provide guidance leading toward a new way of doing things, a service that may be required, or the best possible future.
April 24, 2024

A Nature as Compassionate as God’s Own

What is it that makes the contents of a journal spiritual? If they have as their deepest hope the development of a nature as compassionate as God’s own, they will in time leave narcissism behind. When is my life ever so hectic that I can justify not pausing long enough to write down a single line of thanksgiving and confession?
April 25, 2024

Meditative Drawing Practice

I do not have any image in mind when I start. I follow the movement within me. I start out with meditation and prayer and thank God for the materials before me to use. I like to have soft music in the background. For me, it’s a form of prayer. It can take me deep within and I feel very close to God.
April 26, 2024

The Spirituality of Togetherness

A couple weeks ago, we invited our neighbors over for dessert at our table in our backyard. Sue made one of her ‘award winning’ trifles and since our neighbors are Indian, they made some wonderful almond cookies. We sat on our back porch on a beautiful night sharing stories, eating dessert, and learning about how we each had met our spouses. We heard of their journey to America and shared some of our journeys as well.
April 27, 2024

Searching for Treasure

We read in silence; we read looking for God. But we read in a particular way. A man drops a rare diamond in the leaves of the forest floor. Carefully, he kneels down. One by one he lifts each leaf. Slowly he searches, knowing his lost treasure is in the leaves. And this is how it is that we must read, listen to another and wait in silence.
April 28, 2024

We Light a Candle and Ask Ourselves Two Questions

We light a candle, become aware of God’s loving presence, and take about five minutes of quiet while we each ask ourselves two questions.