We Must Have Faith in Compassionate Motives
“The effects of our actions are largely beyond our control. Any happening they may influence has multiple causes that can never be unravelled; the contribution of what we did is as hard to assess as that of a single strand in a rope. We must have faith that if we purify our hearts, making our motives more compassionate, what we do will strengthen unimaginably the great forces that can save humanity.”
— Adam Curle, 1990 (source)
Quaker peace activist and academic

Today’s Invitation
Purify your heart, making your motives more compassionate, to strengthen unimaginably the great forces that can save humanity.
This Week’s Query
How do you balance between the activist and contemplative elements of your Quaker faith?
If you are an activist, how do you stay grounded and keep from burning out? How do you bring your faith into your activism? If you are a mystic, when has your spirituality led you to action?
Banner art by Maggie Fiori
Adam Curle (1916 - 2006) was a British academic and Quaker peace activist. Over a period of almost forty years, he undertook international mediation of conflicts in India/Pakistan, Nigeria/Biafra, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka, Bosnia and Croatia. In 2000, he was the recipient of the Gandhi Foundation International Peace Award.
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