There Is No Greater Thing Than Pure Unselfish Love

“Every man knows in his heart that there is no greater thing in the world than pure unselfish love. Death cannot conquer, nay, he teaches ever that love is supreme. Good men do not die. Their lives are as the tearing of the veil, they show us something of that which is eternal, for if here love is greatest in the heart of man, must it not be greatest in God himself? And if greatest in himself, then let the mystery of his will be never so dark, we may gird ourselves each to his life’s work with something more than courage. Love bridges death. We are comrades of those who are gone; though death separate us, their work, their fortitude, their love shall be ours, and we will adventure with hope, and in the spirit and strength of our great comrade of Galilee, who was acquainted with grief and knew the shadows of Gethsemane, to fight the good fight of faith.”

— John Wilhelm Rowntree, 1905 (source)
Quaker chocolate manufacturer and activist

Reflect on the way the life of a loved one tore the veil, showing you something of that which is eternal.

How do you maintain integrity in your sexual relationships?

Are you informed by faith in your relationship to your body and desires?

Share your response!

Banner image: Joey Hartmann-Dow


  • John Wilhelm Rowntree (1868 – 1905) was a chocolate and confectionery manufacturer and Quaker religious activist and reformer. He played a large part in enabling the Religious Society of Friends to incorporate an understanding of modern science (such as the theory of evolution), modern biblical criticism, and the social meaning of Jesus's teaching into their belief systems. He helped establish Woodbrooke, the Quaker study center in Bournville, Birmingham.

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