Fear Not, for I Am with You
“When God taps a person on the shoulder and says, ‘Do this,’ a natural response – and perhaps the only appropriate response – seems to be, ‘Who, me? I am not adequate.’
In contrast to the fishermen who left their nets when Jesus said, ‘Follow me,’ many are the stories of prophets who need to hear the words ‘Fear not, for I am with you.’
The great prophets whose stories have come down to us over the centuries did not seek out this calling. In fact, like Jonah, running away from God’s call seems to be good common sense. With all our human frailties, finding ways to stand with those who have felt a leading to take up a concern or a call to ministry is a blessing to the community and to the individual who benefits from the practical moral and spiritual care of the group.”
— Margery Post Abbott, 2018
Quaker minister and writer
Today’s Invitation
Stand with those who have felt a leading and give them the gift of your moral and spiritual care.
This Week’s Query
How do others help you in discernment?
What challenges have you experienced in group discernment?
Banner image: Adrian Martinez
Read the source of today’s quote
Margery Post Abbott is a released Friend who writes about Quakerism and travels in the ministry with the support of Multnomah Meeting in Portland, Oregon.
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