You Are Never Without a Living Sense of Guidance

“Turn therefore inwards, and all that is within you will demonstrate to you the presence and power of God in your soul, and make you find and feel it with the same certainty as you find and feel your own thoughts. 

And what is best of all, by thus doing, you will never be without a living sense of the immediate guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, always equal to your dependence upon it, always leading you from strength to strength in your inward man, till all your knowledge of good and evil is become nothing else but a mere love of the one and a mere aversion to the other.”

— William Law, 1760 (source)
Church of England priest

Turn inwards, so that all that is within you will demonstrate to you the presence and power of Spirit.

When has it taken courage for you to follow a leading?

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Banner image: Adrian Martinez


  • William Law (1686 – 1761) was a Church of England priest who lost his position at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, when his conscience would not allow him to take the required oath of allegiance to the first Hanoverian monarch, King George I. Thereafter, Law continued as a simple priest (curate), and when that too became impossible without the required oath, Law taught privately and wrote extensively. His personal integrity, as well as his mystic and theological writing, greatly influenced the evangelistic movement of his day, as well as Enlightenment thinkers such as the writer Samuel Johnson and the historian Edward Gibbon.

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