Life Is Sweet in All Creatures

I considered that life was sweet in all living creatures, and the taking it away became a very tender point with me. The creatures […] were lent us to be governed in the Great Creator’s fear: and I feel free to refer my readers to his order and allowance in early times, while all the Lord’s works were in harmony, and pronounced by him to be very good… 

I thought I saw, and had to believe, that life was intended to be at the disposal of him who gave it; – that all creatures, even the least insects, have generally a sense of danger; therefore, as we cannot give life, I believed we ought to be cautious of destroying it.”

— Joshua Evans, 1837
Quaker minister, abolitionist, and vegetarian

Be cautious of destroying life, even in the least creatures.

How was the earth holy to you as a child?

What helps you re-experience that awe now?

Share your response!

Banner image: Gillian Pokalo
Read the source of today’s quote


  • Joshua Evans

    Joshua Evans (1731 – 1798) was an American Quaker minister, journalist, and abolitionist. After experiencing a religious conversion, he devoted his life to sharing his interpretation of the gospel. He practiced a simple ministry and an ascetic and pious life style, and was a vegetarian.

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