Power Ultimately Rests with the Humble
“Quakers have always believed it was necessary to speak truth to power. Our concern is to reach all men, the great and the humble, and though power in America ultimately rests with the humble, the great wield it, and must, therefore, carry peculiar responsibility.
Quakers have tried to be sensitive to the special problems of those in high places, avoiding harsh criticism, and offering counsel out of whatever insight was given. But the burden of the Quaker message has always been the power of redemptive love as applied in real situations, and never was it so pertinent and so urgent as it is today, and never so important for individuals to be committed to it.”
— American Friends Service Committee, 1955

Today’s Invitation
Apply the power of redemptive love in real situations.
This Week’s Query
When have you spoken truth to power?
Were you following your inner guide? What were the consequences?
Banner image: Zan Lombardo
Read the source of today’s quote
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker-founded organization working for peace and social justice in the United States and around the world. AFSC was founded in 1917 as a combined effort by American members of the Religious Society of Friends to assist civilian victims of World War I. Currently, the organization's three priorities include work on peacebuilding, a focus on just economies, and humane responses to the global migration crisis.
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