“This is a marvelous world, full of beauty and splendour; it is also an unrelenting and savage world, and we are not the only living things prone to dominate if given the chance. In our fumbling, chaotic way, we do also make gardens, irrigate the desert, fly to the moon and compose symphonies. Some of us are trying to save species other than ourselves…
We have no reason to be either arrogant or complacent: one look at the stars or through a microscope is sufficient to quell such notions. But we have to accept our position in the world with as much grace, responsibility and fortitude as we can muster, and try to grow up to our mission of love in this tangle of prospects and torments.”
— Pamela Umbima, 1992
Grow up to your mission of love in this tangle of prospects and torments.
How do you keep up your energy to make a difference in the face of climate crisis?
What spiritual practices give you strength?
Share your response!
Banner image: Gillian Pokalo
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