Witness the Living Truth within Your Heart
“The word ‘testimony’ is used by Quakers to describe a witness to the living truth within the human heart as it is acted out in everyday life. It is not a form of words, but a mode of life based on the realisation that there is that of God in everybody, that all human beings are equal, that all life is interconnected. It is affirmative but may lead to action that runs counter to certain practices currently accepted in society at large.
Hence a pro-peace stance may become an anti-war protest, and a witness to the sacredness of human life may lead to protests against capital punishment. These testimonies reflect the corporate beliefs of the Society, however much individual Quakers may interpret them differently according to their own light. They are not optional extras, but fruits that grow from the very tree of faith.”
— Harvey Gillman, 1988
Quaker author and speaker

Today’s Invitation
Witness to the living truth according to your own light.
This Week’s Query
When have you spoken truth to power?
Were you following your inner guide? What were the consequences?
Banner image: Zan Lombardo
Read the source of today’s quote
Harvey Gillman served for many years as outreach secretary for Britain Yearly Meeting. He is the author of several books on Quaker spirituality and poetry. He trained as a modern linguist in French, Italian, and Spanish.
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