Politics Is the Concern of Religious People

“‘Politics’ cannot be relegated to some outer place, but must be recognised as one side of life, which is as much the concern of religious people and of a religious body as any other part of life. Nay, more than this, the ordering of the life of man in a community, so that he may have the chance of a full development, is and always has been one of the main concerns of Quakerism.”

— Lucy F. Morland, 1919
Quaker educator and activist

Make your community your spiritual concern.

When you are in a position of power, how do you stay open to truth from all sources?

When have you had to hear a hard truth?

Share your response!

Banner image: Zan Lombardo
Read the source of today’s quote


  • Lucy F. Morland

    Lucy Fryer Morland (1864-1945) was headteacher at a girls’ school, and took a keen interest in education issues. She gave the 1918 Swarthmore Lecture, titled ‘The New Social Outlook’ and served on the War and Social Order Committee.

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