Power that Speaks in Women

“The Light Shines Forth.” Henry, Bob. 2018, acrylic on canvas.

“Those that speak against the Power of the Lord, and the Spirit of the Lord speaking in a woman, simply, by reason of her Sex, or because she is a Woman, not regarding the Seed, and Spirit, and Power that speaks in her; such speak against Christ, and his Church, and are of the Seed of the Serpent, wherein lodgeth the enmity.”

— Margaret Fell, 1666
Cofounder of the Religious Society of Friends

Think of someone who identifies as a woman in your community, but whose voice is not being heard. Write her a note and tell her how important her voice is to you.

What does “speaking truth to power” mean to you?

What is your responsibility to speak truth to power as an individual? As part of a faith community? 

Share your response!

Read the source of today’s quote

This week’s messages are guest edited by Bob Henry, artist, recorded Friend, and pastor of Indianapolis First Friends Quaker Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana. Bob is married to Sue and has three grown children.  

Each of the art pieces this week are originals that Bob has created for sermons or other publications.


  • Margaret Fell or Margaret Fox (1614 – 23 April 1702) was a founder of the Religious Society of Friends. Known popularly as the "mother of Quakerism," she is considered one of the Valiant Sixty early Quaker preachers and missionaries. She married George Fox in 1669.

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