In Response to Pain

“The great and small tragedies in your life and world sometimes just ask you to stand before them with silence and humility. You do not always have an answer, but you can learn to be present — listening deeply, with a heart that trembles in response to pain.”

— Christina Feldman, 2003
Meditation teacher 

Stand before small tragedies with silence and humility.

How does listening nurture your sense of oneness with Spirit, others, and the earth?

Share your response!

Read the source of today’s quote

This week’s messages are guest edited by Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR), a Quaker organization that works for equity and a life of dignity for all. RSWR programs promote partnerships with women in India, Guatemala, Kenya, and Sierra Leone and encourage those with diverse resources to embrace our shared responsibility for one another’s well being. Visit their website to learn more about RSWR’s virtual and in-person workshops.


  • Christina Feldman is a leading senior teacher in the insight meditation community, offering retreats internationally. She is a contributing faculty member in several postgraduate mindfulness programs.

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