The Purpose of Darkness

“What is your first instinct – your first act – when you walk into a dark room? Mine is to find a light switch… to turn on a light! I want to know where I am, to see where I’m going. I want to be able to find my way. 

In the creation story, the first thing God did was to flip on a light switch.  God spoke, and light came. The earth was formless, dark and empty, and God spoke light into being. ‘God called the light Day and the darkness God called Night.’ 

And then, in the dome of the sky, God ‘made two great lights – the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night – and the stars… to give light upon the earth… to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.’ God did not do away with darkness when light came. God separated the two. Each had its own purpose.

— Ruthie Tippin, 2019
Recorded Quaker minister

Allow the blessings of darkness to reveal themselves.

When have you experienced an ocean of darkness and death or an ocean of light and love?

How do you remain open to the presence of Spirit during difficult times?

Share your response!

Banner image: Richard Brown Lethem
Read the source of today’s quote


  • Ruthie Tippin is a recorded Friends minister retired from serving at First Friends Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana. She now works as a retreat speaker, worship leader, writer, and encourager to pastors, meetings or churches, and their members.

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