Brothering the Souls of Others

This Month’s Theme: Community

In gathered worship, Friends achieve a greater depth of communion with Spirit than is possible alone. Being in community leads to spiritual growth, even when that growth is a product of discomfort.

This month you are invited to reflect on your own experiences in community and the ways you can contribute to creating a loving community, spiritual or otherwise.

“Quakers enter the service of silent waiting not alone or in a series of separate reveries but in a company of worshipers; they know something of the needs of their fellow worshipers; they know something of the sufferings and needs of the world. Often they are conscious of a whole redemptive company of faithful departed ones who are engaged in this all-embracing struggle as well. This realization and these needs are gently brought into the worship in the form of intercession, of brothering the souls of others. […] Often Friends have been able to cross the threshold into true worship in bringing into the Listener’s presence the needs of others rather than their own.”

— Douglas V. Steere, 1986
Gleanings: A Random Harvest


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Choose a loved one, alive or departed, and pray for them.

How have your relationships with other people shaped your spirituality?

How does it feel to worship alone? As part of a community?

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  • Douglas V. Steere

    Douglas Van Steere (August 31, 1901 – February 6, 1995) was an American Quaker ecumenist and professor of philosophy and theology. Steere organized Quaker post-war relief work in Finland, Norway and Poland, was invited to participate as an ecumenical observer in the Second Vatican Council and co-founded the Ecumenical Institute of Spirituality. He authored, edited, translated and wrote introductions for many books on Quakerism, as well as other religions and philosophy.

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