Heavenly Power That Draws Hundreds

“The Lord of Heaven and earth we found to be near at hand, and, as we waited upon him in pure silence, our minds out of all things, his heavenly presence appeared in our assemblies, when there was no language, tongue, nor speech from any creature. The Kingdom of Heaven did gather us and catch us all, as in a net, and his heavenly power at one time drew many hundreds to land. We came to know a place to stand in and what to wait in; and the Lord appeared daily to us, to our astonishment, amazement and great admiration, insomuch that we often said one unto another with great joy of heart: ‘What, is the Kingdom of God come to be with men?’

— Francis Howgill, 1663

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Close your eyes and envision a great people gathered, as though they were being pulled into a net of divine power. What would that group accomplish? How would they interact with one another? Take a moment to journal about or reflect on your vision.

How do you hear the still, small voice?

How do you create the conditions that help you hear that voice? What does “expectant waiting” mean to you?

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  • Francis Howgill

    Francis Howgill (1618 – 11 February 1669) was a prominent early member of the Religious Society of Friends in England. He preached and wrote on Quaker teachings and is considered one of the Valiant Sixty, early ministers who spread the word about Quakerism.

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