The Most Joyous and Wondrous Thing We Can Do

“Finding and being found by that of God within me releases me from the dilemma of ‘Should I? Is it worth it? What good can I do?’ The answers to these questions are no longer important. What matters is that I must act, and that the task will be given to me. In my school motto was my answer — Servite in caritate — service with love.

The concept of service had never been clear to me and now it became so. I serve because I love God. My service — my work — is an expression of my love for everything that is of God. So while the work I am asked to do may be difficult and demanding, it is, in the end, the most joyous and wondrous thing we can do.

— Sarah Briggs, 1992 (source)
Australian Quaker

Perform an act of service in the spirit of joy and divine love.

How do you know if you have a leading?

How can you tell when to act and when more discernment is needed? How do you lean on others in your faith community to help you come to clarity?

Share your response!

Banner art by Maggie Fiori

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