How to Clerk a Quaker Committee Meeting

“Here are things that I remind myself whenever I clerk or attend a Quaker committee meeting:

  • The purpose of meeting for worship is to listen to each other, to listen to God, and to deepen our relationship with God by deepening our love for each other.
  • The purpose of a Quaker committee is to serve the needs of our meeting and to practice worship.
  • The purpose of a committee is not necessarily to solve a problem quickly.
  • We start committee meetings at a predetermined time and have an ending time in mind, though the meeting may go longer because of a late message. We must be patient with that last message.
  • We come prepared to speak but not planning to speak (meaning, without a personal agenda)…
  • The messages of some people come quickly, in concise sentences, while others have a story to tell as they make their point. We must be patient as each person gives a message.
  • If I am delivering a message, I must listen to God to know when to finish…
  • We must reach unity, not consensus nor majority rule, in making our decisions or recommendations.
  • The loudest voice might not reveal the Truth…
  • The clerk’s job is not to have all the answers and not to carry the load of the committee.”

— Storm Evans, 2011
Member of Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting

Choose one of the above advices for clerks to apply in your own life today.

When have you had a powerful experience with group discernment?

When have you felt the presence of the divine in meeting for business, a committee meeting, or a clearness committee? How do you create the conditions for a worshipful meeting?

Share your response!

Banner image: Adrian Martinez
Read the source of today’s quote


  • Storm Evans (1949-2021) was an active member of Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting. She was a consultant for law firms and wrote and spoke for the Law Practice Management Section of the American Bar Association.

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