A Quaker Vision for Political Activism

“The systems that we create as people, the systems of government and systems of power and the way that we distribute resources, are all inhabited by people. And at its most powerful, this prophetic work is about relationships.”

— Noah Merrill, 2016
Secretary of New England Yearly Meeting

Look for the humanity in systems of power.

When you are in a position of power, how do you stay open to truth from all sources?

When have you had to hear a hard truth?

Share your response!

Banner image: Zan Lombardo


  • Noah Baker Merrill is a member of Putney Friends Meeting in Vermont. He travels widely in the ministry, offering messages at Friends' gatherings and beyond; seeking to encourage faithfulness; and nurturing the integration of worship and witness in the Quaker movement. In this service, Noah leads workshops on spiritual activism, "prophetic service", deepening worship, traveling ministry, and the future of the Religious Society of Friends.

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