Exciting Our Endeavors to Mend the World

“True godliness does not turn men out of the world, but enables them to live better in it, and excites their endeavours to mend it; not to hide their candle under a bushel, but to set it upon a table in a candlestick.”

— William Penn, 1669 (source)
Early Quaker and founder of Pennsylvania

Find a moment for worship before a social interaction. How does this grounding change the way you are present in the world? Set your candle upon a table in a candlestick.

How do you balance between the activist and contemplative elements of your Quaker faith?

If you are an activist, how do you stay grounded and keep from burning out? How do you bring your faith into your activism? If you are a mystic, when has your spirituality led you to action?

Share your response!

Banner art by Maggie Fiori

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  • William Penn

    William Penn (1644 – 1718) was an English writer, religious thinker, and influential Quaker who founded the Province of Pennsylvania during the British colonial era. Penn was an advocate of democracy and religious freedom.

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