Discover the Uses of Uselessness
“To learn why you feel compelled to remake and consume the world, live alone in the wilderness for at least a week. Take no books or other distractions. Take simple, adequate food that requires little or no preparation. Don’t plan things to do when the week is over. Don’t do yoga or meditation that you think will result in self-improvement. Simply do nothing.
Isolation distresses all social animals. To distinguish the human craving for company from the cultural compulsion to remake and consume your surroundings, go out afterward with congenial companions. When you want to be alone, seek solitude; when you want companionship, seek company. Just cease to intervene and plan. Do nothing but celebrate the goodness of the Creation – if you can.
Here’s what you may learn: The most attractive surroundings removed from consumption and busyness will be a hell for you. To discover the uses of uselessness you must be reborn into the present.”
— Jim Corbett, 1991
Quaker rancher and human rights activist

Today’s Invitation
Embrace the discomfort of removing yourself from consumption and busyness.
This Week’s Query
How was the earth holy to you as a child?
What helps you re-experience that awe now?
Banner image: Gillian Pokalo
Read the source of today’s quote
James A. "Jim" Corbett (October 8, 1933 – August 2, 2001) was an American rancher, writer, Quaker, philosopher, human rights activist, and a co-founder of the Sanctuary movement. The Sanctuary movement involved over 500 congregations, and helped hundreds if not thousands of refugees find freedom in the U.S.
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