Listen and Then Act

Dear Friends,

I appreciate the opportunity for Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) to partner with the Daily Quaker Message over the past week. This week we explored how powerful a tool listening can be in nurturing our sense of oneness with Spirit, others, and the earth. In a very loud world, it can be hard to settle and listen to what Spirit asks of us. And yet we find the more room we leave for silence, the clearer that still, small voice can become. 

RSWR was first created by Friends at the Friends World Committee for Consultation’s World Plenary in 1967 as a response to a call to build equity among Friends. In a space made for listening and connecting, Friends heard one another and took action. Today, RSWR seeks to continue that tradition of listening and taking action, in partnership with Friends and women’s groups around the world. 

Sometimes known as “International Women’s Day of Struggle,” International Women’s Day is celebrated in many places on March 8th. During a recent conversation with some colleagues from India, I learned that many women’s groups in Tamil Nadu host massive celebrations where women from the group are celebrated and women in positions of power are honored guests. In that same conversation, a colleague living in Mexico shared about the large protests on March 8th, fueled by increasing violence against women in her community. Each of these acknowledgments of International Women’s Day creates space for women to listen to one another, to come together in our shared struggles, and to chart a path forward. 

It is my hope that, as we move into uncertain times, we create community spaces where we come together, where we listen, and what we hear from each other and God serves as the foundation for action. 

In friendship, 

Megan Fair 

How does listening nurture your sense of oneness with Spirit, others, and the earth?

"Listening opens me to my small spark of being in a Universe or God beyond what I can know or understand."

EstherGrace G., Philadelphia, PA, USA

Mon Mar 03

Traveling Together in One River of Life

“Deep within us, amid our differentiations as individuals and nations and species, is the desire for oneness. This holy longing is found not only in the human soul but in the soul of the universe, at the heart of everything that has being. We are not an exception to the universe. We are an expression of the universe. Our longings are a unique manifestation of the universe’s longings. In listening to the depths of life, within our lives and within every life, we will hear the longings of the One that are deeper than the fears that divide us…” …
Tue Mar 04

Eyes and Ears of Love

“If love were the central practice of a new generation of organizers and spiritual leaders, it would have a massive impact on what was considered organizing. If the goal was to increase the love, rather than winning or dominating a constant opponent, I think we could actually imagine liberation from constant oppression. We could suddenly be seeing everything we do, everyone we meet, not through the tactical eyes of war, but through the eyes of love. We would see that there’s no such thing as a blank canvas, an empty land or a new idea — but everywhere there is complex, ancient, fertile ground full of potential.” …
Wed Mar 05

The Reason We Can Fly

I felt like the little donkey when / his burden is finally lifted. Things! / Burn them, burn them! Make a beautiful / fire! More room in your heart for love, / for the trees! For the birds who own / nothing—the reason they can fly …
Thu Mar 06

In Response to Pain

“The great and small tragedies in your life and world sometimes just ask you to stand before them with silence and humility. You do not always have an answer, but you can learn to be present — listening deeply, with a heart that trembles in response to pain.” …
Fri Mar 07

God in the Ordinary

“Be aware of the spirit of God at work in the ordinary activities and experience of your daily life. Spiritual learning continues throughout life, and often in unexpected ways. There is inspiration to be found all around us, in the natural world, in the sciences and arts, in our work and friendships, in our sorrows as well as in our joys. Are you open to new light, from whatever source it may come? Do you approach new ideas with discernment?” …
Sat Mar 08

Listening as Love

“To be truly listened to […] is often experienced as being loved, being loved more profoundly than most of us ever experience being loved. We all hunger for unconditional love, in spite of the fact that human love is necessarily conditional. All our lives, we are accustomed to being accepted on the condition of living up to certain standards, reciprocating certain behaviors, saying the right things. To be heard by someone who approaches letting go of expectation – even for a little while – gives us a taste of God’s forgiving love in which we’ve all been held from eternity.” …