Sharing in One Another’s Joys and Sorrows

“The spiritual welfare of the meeting is greatly helped if its social life is vigorous and its members take a warm personal interest in one another’s welfare. The pastoral work of the Society is especially committed to [the Ministry and Counsel Committee], but our members generally should not allow themselves to feel that they are relieved of the responsibility. In the greater events of life, such as marriage, the birth of a child, illness or death, it is our duty and our privilege to share in one another’s joys and sorrows; and sympathy thus shown is a potent means of binding us in a closer fellowship.”

— London Yearly Meeting, 1925


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Think about someone in your community experiencing a milestone in their life, either joyful or sorrowful. Consider a way to give them the gift of your friendship.

Who belongs in Quaker community?

How does the intentional lack of a creed make belonging easier? Harder?

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