Assume You’ll Be Needed Today

Melt Like Butter

Leave yourself out 
to soften. 
Assume you’ll be needed 

Assume you’ll need 
to be soft 
and ready. 

Lord, prepare me.

O God
prepare us
O God be
gentle and warm
to transform
but not
to burn.

Let us melt each other.

When we are brittle let us not break
but be softened.

— Maggie Fiori, 2022
“Melt Like Butter”

Write a few lines about what it means to you to be “soft and ready.” What can you do to prepare yourself for how you’ll be needed today?

What is your process for centering in worship?

What does “centered-ness” mean to you? What does it feel like when you reach a centered state?


  • Maggie Fiori is a Quaker artist and member of Pickwick Independent Press, making linocut and letterpress prints and books about her experience of Spirit as a Friend. She makes prints as a call to ministry that invites seekers into relationship with a loving, overflowing, colorful God. Maggie is a member of Portland Friends Meeting and lives in Portland with her wife Mel and their two cats.

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