The Grace of God Deepens our Faculties for Insight

“Most of us are given some common little jobs every day of our lives. To a very few comes the call to do something extraordinary, some great task. The world abounds in men and women who find happiness and opportunities for self-expression in being faithful in the humble stations of life which are theirs at a given time. 

If we are loyal to the truth as we see it, and respond with our might in the ‘common’ situations in day-to-day living as we face them, the glow of the grace of God deepens and nurtures our faculties for insight and for recognition of the true worth of things and of men.”

— Ranjit Chetsingh, 1975 (source)
Former General Secretary of Friends World Committee for Consultation

Be loyal to the truth as you see it, and respond with all your might in day-to-day situations.

When has it taken courage for you to follow a leading?

Share your response!

Banner image: Adrian Martinez


  • Ranjit Chetsingh

    Ranjit Chetsingh is an Indian Quaker and Former General Secretary of Friends World Committee for Consultation. He headed Friends Rural Centre in Rasulia, Madhya Pradesh, a center for adult education, and founded the Quaker International Centre in Delhi.

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