Protecting Refugees

“The Legacy of Jim Corbett: Quaker Prophet.” Henry, Bob. 2019, acrylic on canvas.

“There is no question that faith communities will continue to provide sanctuary whenever refugees need protection from government officials, that many of these communities consider sanctuary to be an essential part of what it means for the church to be the church

Here [in the borderlands] those our government calls aliens are often people we know as family, friends, fellow communicants, co-workers. Here, we see daily that there is an inconsistency between our civil society’s constituting principles and our government’s routine practice, an inconsistency that is as glaring as the declaration by slave owners of the inalienable human right to liberty.”

— Jim Corbett, 1979
Quaker refugee rights activist and rancher

Take a trip to your local public library. While there, take time to research the rights of refugees/immigrants within a place that is meant to be safe for all.

What does “speaking truth to power” mean to you?

What is your responsibility to speak truth to power as an individual? As part of a faith community? 

Share your response!

Read the source of today’s quote

This week’s messages are guest edited by Bob Henry, artist, recorded Friend, and pastor of Indianapolis First Friends Quaker Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana. Bob is married to Sue and has three grown children.  

Each of the art pieces this week are originals that Bob has created for sermons or other publications.


  • James A. "Jim" Corbett (October 8, 1933 – August 2, 2001) was an American rancher, writer, Quaker, philosopher, human rights activist, and a co-founder of the Sanctuary movement. The Sanctuary movement involved over 500 congregations, and helped hundreds if not thousands of refugees find freedom in the U.S.

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