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Quakers Quotes about Hope and Despair

Quakers Quotes about Hope and Despair

These messages are on the theme of Quaker thought on light and darkness, despair and hope, fear and courage. We read Friends’ reflections on George Fox’s famous description of “an infinite ocean of light and love” flowing over an ocean of darkness. Friends acknowledge their own capacity for darkness and share ways they open themselves to the unconquerable power of Spirit. Toward the end of the month, we hear wisdom about grief and healing from Quaker hospice chaplains …
Quakers and Listening (with guest editor RSWR)

Quakers and Listening (with guest editor RSWR)

This week’s messages are guest edited by Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR), a Quaker organization that works for equity and a life of dignity for all. RSWR programs promote partnerships with women in India, Guatemala, Kenya, and Sierra Leone and encourage those with diverse resources to embrace our shared responsibility for one another’s well being …
Quakers and Speaking Truth to Power

Quakers and Speaking Truth to Power

This month examines how Friends throughout history have stood up to authority and worked for justice. Quakers speak truth to power when we advocate for what is right despite opposition from kings, presidents, and institutions. We also investigate how Friends maintain their integrity when they are the ones in power …
Quakers and Nature

Quakers and Nature

This month we examine how our relationship with nature can inspire our spirituality. We will read about Friends who have experienced divine ecstasy or received messages in the wilderness, consider our responsibility as stewards of the earth, and be invited to participate in exercises that strengthen our connection to creation …
Quakers Quotes on Discernment & Leadings

Quakers Quotes on Discernment & Leadings

This month’s theme is Discernment and Leadings, examining individual and corporate practices for listening to our inner guide. We will read about how to recognize and act on leadings, Quaker process, proceeding as way opens, and the fallibility of conscience. Making space for expectant waiting in decision making and patching together an understanding of divine will with the help of Friends are Quaker superpowers …
Preparing the Way for Powerful Quaker Ministry (with Guest Editor Ashley Wilcox)

Preparing the Way for Powerful Quaker Ministry (with Guest Editor Ashley Wilcox)

This week’s messages are guest edited by Ashley M. Wilcox, Quaker minister, best-selling author of The Women’s Lectionary, and founder of Public Friends, a new nonprofit created to support Quaker ministers …
Quakers and Close Relationships

Quakers and Close Relationships

What does it mean to be informed by Spirit in our roles as family members, friends, and partners? You are invited to examine caregiving and being cared for, sexual ethics, the responsibility and privilege of closeness, and what we owe ourselves and others. Having close relationships is a gift, even when it is difficult; struggle can teach us about ourselves and bring us closer to each other and the divine …
Quotes on the Quaker Testimony of Integrity

Quotes on the Quaker Testimony of Integrity

With the theme of integrity, we learn from our Quaker ancestors and elders what it means to embody our beliefs consistently in every aspect of our lives. Integrity means honesty and truth-telling, even when those truths are uncomfortable. We dig into the history of refusing to take oaths and doff hats, the invention of the price tag, and other ways Friends have brought their public lives in line with their spiritual convictions …
Quakers and Faith into Action

Quakers and Faith into Action

Contemplation and activism are sometimes presented as a dichotomy in Quakerism, but they are, in fact, intimately related. A rich spiritual life can inspire and ground our work in the world, and faithfulness to leadings can deepen our relationship with Spirit. From the time of the first Friends, Quakers have aspired to “be patterns, be examples” (George Fox) and “stand in the gap” (William Penn), in public witness to our corporate faith …