Two Exercises to Help you Center Down

Two Exercises to Help you Center Down

“There is a progression in the spiritual life. It is not wise to tackle the Mt. Everest of the soul before having had some experience with lesser peaks. So I would recommend beginning with a daily period of from five to ten minutes. This time is for learning to “center down,” or what the contemplatives of the Middle Ages called “re-collection.” It is a time to become still, to enter into the recreating silence, to allow the fragmentation of our minds to become centered.”

We Place Ourselves Where God Can Bless Us

We Place Ourselves Where God Can Bless Us

The Disciplines allow us to place ourselves before God so that he can transform us… The inner righteousness we seek is not something that is poured on our heads. God has ordained the Disciplines of the spiritual life as the means by which we place ourselves where he can bless us. 

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