Mary Dyer at the Scaffold

Sculpture of Mary Dyer by Sylvia Shaw Judson, on the campus of Earlham College. Photo by Georgia Sparling.

At the Scaffold

Cursed Quaker, repent and drive the Devil from this Land.
Thus Minister Wilson cajoled Mary Dyer at the scaffold.
She preached the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

Do you wish the elders to pray for you?
She said I desire the prayers of all God’s people.
Cursed Quaker, repent and drive the Devil from this Land.

Christ-like blood transported new fever,
her body encompassed healing faith,
she preached the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

She praised God, holding her brethren in her heart,
imagined soaring into the afternoon air.
Cursed Quaker, repent and drive the Devil from this Land.

She longed for her husband and Narragansett Bay
to lay her head on their island’s watery home.
She preached the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

Father, speak through me thy servant
she cried – certain, I lose my life by finding it here.
Cursed Quaker, repent and drive the Devil from this Land.
She preached the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

— Stanford J. Searl, Jr., 2019
Quaker author and poet

Consider yourself an agent of the Kingdom of Heaven.

How do you prepare your body and spirit for a difficult conversation or interaction?

How do you remain loving during conflict?

Share your response!

Banner image: Zan Lombardo
Read the source of today’s quote


  • Stanford J. Searl, Jr. is a member of the Santa Monica Monthly Meeting in California. Searl has a Ph.D. in English from Syracuse University. He has published two books about Quaker silent worship.

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