What Fierce Love Calls Us to Do
“In every way and in every place, we must work to eliminate the scourge of hate that leads to violence and promote the bonds of love that establish justice and that lead to peace. To realize this, we must also hold people accountable for violating laws and hold lawmakers accountable for perpetuating lies […]
[…] We also know that a military response will not solve the underlying inequities and the threat of white supremacy, racism, and anti-Semitism that continue to erode the foundations of our democracy.
As we work to end these -isms and bring about a just and fair society, we remain grounded in Margaret Fell’s call to tackle these challenges nonviolently and with love, keeping in mind that Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. However, this is not a passive love, rather it is the fierce love that calls us to speak truth to power.”
— Diane Randall, 2021
Former General Secretary of FCNL

Today’s Invitation
Love your neighbors fiercely.
This Week’s Query
How do you prepare your body and spirit for a difficult conversation or interaction?
How do you remain loving during conflict?
Banner image: Zan Lombardo
Read the source of today’s quote
Diane Randall is the Former General Secretary of Friends Committee on National Legislation. In that role, Diane led FCNL’s staff to effectively educate and lobby for the policies and legislative priorities established by FCNL’s General Committee. Before coming to FCNL, Diane was executive director of Partnership for Strong Communities, a Connecticut-based non-profit organization providing leadership, advocacy, and policy development on solutions to homelessness, affordable housing, and community development.
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