We Ourselves Are Part of the Oppression
“The duty of the Society of Friends is to be the voice of the oppressed but [also] to be conscious that we ourselves are part of that oppression. Uncomfortably we stand with one foot in the kingdom of this world and with the other in the Eternal Kingdom. Seldom can we keep the inward and outward working of love in balance, let alone the consciousness of living both in time and in eternity, in timelessness.
Let us not be beguiled into thinking that political action is all that is asked of us, nor that our personal relationship with God excuses us from actively confronting the evil in this world. The political and social struggles must be waged, but a person is more and needs more than politics, else we are in danger of gaining the whole world but losing our souls.”
— Eva I. Pinthus, 1987
Quaker theology lecturer and university chaplain

Today’s Invitation
Stand with one foot in the kingdom of this world and with the other in the Eternal Kingdom.
This Week’s Query
How do you prepare your body and spirit for a difficult conversation or interaction?
How do you remain loving during conflict?
Banner image: Zan Lombardo
Read the source of today’s quote
Eva I. Pinthus (1925-2020) was a theology teacher and lecturer whose specialty was providing pastoral care to university students. Born Jewish in Berlin, Pinthus managed to flee to Britain on a Kindertransport train. She later became a Quaker and this led her to join the Quakers’ Friends Relief Service, for whom she travelled to Germany in 1950 to help set up a project to build a peace center near Bückeburg under the auspices of the German Fellowship of Reconciliation.
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