A Nature as Compassionate as God’s Own

“What is it that makes the contents of a journal spiritual? If they have as their deepest hope the development of a nature as compassionate as God’s own, they will in time leave narcissism behind. […] When is my life ever so hectic that I can justify not pausing long enough to write down a single line of thanksgiving and confession? How much of a burden can it be to reread several months’ entries from time to time in order to notice both spiritual growth and willful barriers as evidenced by repeated admissions?”

— Carol Conti-Entin,1989
Improvisation & Spiritual Disciplines: Continuing the Divine-Human Duet


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Write down one thing you’re grateful for today and one thing that you would like to unburden yourself from.

What spiritual exercises do you find nourishing?

What do you find yourself doing when you are stressed or upset? When you’re joyful? What does your body need before you can connect with Spirit?

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  • Carol Conti-Entin

    Carol Conti-Entin is the Quaker author of the Pendle Hill Pamphlet "Improvisation & Spiritual Disciplines: Continuing the Divine-Human Duet." Carol grew up Protestant and became Quaker in college. She is a musician.

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