You are Held by a Love that Passes All Understanding

I discovered the way to the interior side of my life, at the deep center of which I knew that I was not alone, but was held by a love that passes all understanding. 

This love was mediated to me, in the first place, by those with whom I worshiped. For my journey was not solitary, but one undertaken with my friends as we moved towards each other and together traveled inwards. Yet I knew that the love that held me could not be limited to the mutual love and care we had for each other. It was a signal of transcendence that pointed beyond itself to the source of all life and love.”

— George H. Gorman, 1973
“The Amazing Fact of Quaker Worship,” Swarthmore Lecture
Photo credit: Georgia Sparling

Take a moment to reflect on the phrase, “a love that passes all understanding.” What does this phrase mean to you? How are you held by a love that passes all understanding?

What is your process for centering in worship?

What does “centered-ness” mean to you? What does it feel like when you reach a centered state?


  • George H. Gorman

    George H. Gorman (1916-1982) was a Quaker writer and active in Friends committees. In the 1940s George served as Clerk of what was then Young Friends Central Committee, now Young Friends General Meeting. He worked out of an office at Woodbrooke College in Birmingham. George moved on to work for Friends Home Service Committee based at Friends House in London and became its General Secretary in 1952. He stayed working in that role until his retirement in 1981.

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