Suspend the Normal Rules of Social Discourse
Reader Responses
How do others help you in discernment?
What challenges have you experienced in group discernment?
"Oddly, just being in a group helps me with discernment. Others in the group may be talking about something that doesn't seem connected to my issue in any way. But being together and listening seems to be a great help."
Wes J., Old Washington, OH, USA
"After a couple years of serving on the board of directors of an organization, I was contacted by the clerk of nominating. This Friend asked me to clerk. My immediate response was essentially, ‘Oh Lord, I am not worthy,’ and looked for reasons to demure. This Friend listened to me for a minute and then told me that the committee had discerned that I would serve well as clerk.
It occurred to me that, since I trust Quaker process, and these friends, I could no more decline the request then I could turn away from our mission.
I was supported by that community, my home meeting, and that Friend who served simultaneously as assistant clerk and mentor during the first term. As I complete my third term, I recognize how I have grown as I’ve led these friends through changes and challenges. Of course I use the word ‘led’ loosely, because that’s one of the secrets I’ve learned about clerking. I am an instrument of peace."
Patricia S., Bon Air, VA, USA
This Week’s Messages
Mon Dec 16
Leadings and Nontheism
“Quakers and many others who are practiced in prayer and meditation have had the experience of an insistent inner voice which moves them towards a specific course of action. In the silence this voice is at first soft and gentle, but if it is not heeded it can become stronger and stronger until the course of action is clear. Quakers call this a ‘concern,’ and it is this which is the source of many of the testimonies that are later adopted by the whole of the Quaker family.” …
Tue Dec 17
Rest Quietly in the Prophetic Stream
“We generally think of prophets as dramatic and conspicuous people; not only are they sometimes martyred, they occasionally sit on facing benches, makes speeches, get arrested, and are generally in the limelight. We need those conspicuous and bold prophets, and from time to time, even the most unassuming Quaker must take such a stand.” …
Wed Dec 18
Kicked by God
“I am a man who has been ‘kicked’ by God, just as a boy kicks a ball in the direction he wants it to go. I have been driven and led by Him.” …
Thu Dec 19
Women’s Speaking, Justified
“It hath been an objection in the minds of many, and several times hath been objected by the clergy, or ministers and others, against women’s speaking in the church; and so consequently may be taken, that they are condemned for meddling in the things of God.” …
Fri Dec 20
Fear Not, for I Am with You
“When God taps a person on the shoulder and says, ‘Do this,’ a natural response – and perhaps the only appropriate response – seems to be, ‘Who, me? I am not adequate.’ In contrast to the fishermen who left their nets when Jesus said, ‘Follow me,’ many are the stories of prophets who need to hear the words ‘Fear not, for I am with you.'” …
Sat Dec 21
Who Sends Thee?
“One day while plowing I heard a voice, whether inside me or outside of me I knew not, but I was awake. It said, ‘Go thou and see the president.’ I answered, ‘Yea, Lord, thy servant heareth.’ And unhitching my plow, I went at once to the house and said to mother, ‘Wilt thou go with me to Washington to see the president?’ ‘Who sends thee?’ she asked. ‘The Lord,’ I answered.” …
Banner art by Adrian Martinez