Isaac Penington


  • Isaac Penington (1616–1679) was one of the early members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in England. He wrote about the Quaker movement and was an influential promoter and defender of it.

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Truth Springs Up Out of the Earth

"So then, there is the sweet communion…. the sweet joy and refreshment in the Lord our righteousness, who causeth righteousness to drop down from heaven, and truth... Read more.

That Which is Holy and Living

Oh, that ye might inwardly know these things! Turn in, turn in. Mind what stirs in your hearts; what moves against sin, what moves towards sin. The one is the Son's... Read more.

I Feel the Same Spirit

This is the true ground of love and unity, not that such a man walks and does just as I do, but that I feel the same spirit and life in him.... Read more.