Iconography as a Starting Point for Prayer

Iconography as a Starting Point for Prayer

I have occasionally found the experience of sitting before an icon to be startlingly similar to the experience of intentionally opening myself before God in prayer and worship. If the attention stays with the visual object, that object may become an idol: that which intervenes in the place of God. As something that opens, leads or guides to God (another meaning for icon in the early church), it can be a legitimate starting point for prayer.

We Place Ourselves Where God Can Bless Us

We Place Ourselves Where God Can Bless Us

The Disciplines allow us to place ourselves before God so that he can transform us… The inner righteousness we seek is not something that is poured on our heads. God has ordained the Disciplines of the spiritual life as the means by which we place ourselves where he can bless us. 

Does Scripture Move You?

Does Scripture Move You?

In the above painting, 19th century British prison reformer and Quaker Elizabeth Fry reads the bible to inmates at Newgate Prison. At Newgate, Fry established a school for children imprisoned with their parents, worked to get sentences commuted, and successfully campaigned for men and women to be separated to improve women’s safety. She taught female prisoners handwork skills to help them earn an income while incarcerated.

What Are You Practicing For?

What Are You Practicing For?

Discipline, strictly speaking, is activity carried on to prepare us indirectly for some activity other than itself. We do not practice the piano to practice the piano well, but to play it well.

What do they mean by ‘the Light of God’?

What do they mean by ‘the Light of God’?

I came to Experiment with Light by accident, almost, because I was not into things like meditation or spirituality at the time. I was very much an intellectual. I was happy; I was a university academic. But I was getting stuck on some very important aspects of my own life. My personal life, but also my understanding. I was doing some research on the Quakers, and I wanted to know, what do they mean by “the light of God”? And “that of God”? It’s a strange phrase. What do they mean by that? So I said, “Alright, I’ll find out.”

Journeying Together

Journeying Together

The purpose of journeying together in spiritual friendship and spiritual community (whether there are just two of you or whether you are in a small group) is to listen to one another’s desire for God, to nurture that desire in each other and to support one another in seeking a way of life that is consistent with that desire.

Investing in your relationship with God

Investing in your relationship with God

The great spiritual traditions suggest that the relationship with God is cultivated like other relationships: as we turn our attention toward God we open the possibility of a fuller relationship. Entering into this relationship does not so much require a change in our behavior as a shift of attention.

What Discipline is Right for You?

What Discipline is Right for You?

It is part of our formation in a listening spirituality to find which practices, at this time in our lives, are most supportive of our inward listening for the word, the guidance, the challenge, the reproof, the love – or simply intimations – of God’s presence. These can take many outward forms. It is a matter of some listening and discernment to find those which are right for us at any given moment.

There Are Many Ways to Be Contemplative

There Are Many Ways to Be Contemplative

I’ve never, and still don’t really, find myself easily called to sitting in silent centering prayer. I haven’t given up on that! What I have learned […] however, was that there are many ways to be contemplative. That it’s more about the Holy Listening and less about what I may or may not be doing with my body in the moment. Chanting, body prayer, yoga, lectio divina, painting, poetry writing, and more became creative endeavors where I found myself being present to the moment, present to the Holy.

The Lord Give Thee the Clear Discerning

The Lord Give Thee the Clear Discerning

So, be still and quiet, and silent before the Lord, not putting up any request to the Father, nor cherishing any desire in thee; and the Lord give thee the clear discerning of all that springs and arises in thy heart.

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