Daily Quaker Survey

Help us make the Daily Quaker Message better by completing a quick survey. Please let us know how the project has spoken to you and how you think it might improve. If needed you can review recent posts here.



Where do you typically read the Daily Quaker Message?
What features or format would help make the Daily Quaker Message a valuable tool for you?


Each message has 4 elements: a banner image, the message, an invitation, and a weekly query. Please share how each of these elements contributes to deepening your experience of the Daily Quaker Message or detracts from the value of the project, and what we might do to improve it.
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Remove itImprove it (feedback below)NeutralKeep as isLove it!
Remove itImprove it (feedback below)NeutralKeep as isLove it!
Remove itImprove it (feedback below)NeutralKeep as isLove it!

Do you have a favorite?

You can visit the archive to review recent posts.


Our themes for the first three months are “Spiritual Discipline,” “Community,” and “Centering & Body Practice”