Quakers and Speaking Truth to Power
This month examines how Friends throughout history have stood up to authority and worked for justice. There are stories about Quakers who advocated for what was right despite opposition from kings, presidents, and institutions. We also investigate how Friends maintain their integrity when they are the ones in power.
January 27, 2025
The Primary Function of a Religious Society
“The primary function of a religious society is to ‘speak truth to power.’ The truth is that war is wrong. It is then our duty to make war impossible first in us and then in society. To cooperate with government in building morale seems inconsistent with all we profess to believe… The greatest service that we can render the men in the armed forces is to maintain our peace testimony.”
January 28, 2025
Do Not Be Content to Accept Things as They Are
“Remember your responsibility as citizens for the government of your town and country, and do not shirk the effort and time this may demand. Do not be content to accept things as they are, but keep an alert and questioning mind. Seek to discover the causes of social unrest, injustice and fear; try to discern the new growing-points in social and economic life. Work for an order of society which will allow men and women to develop their capacities and will foster their desire to serve.”
January 29, 2025
Power Ultimately Rests with the Humble
“Quakers have always believed it was necessary to speak truth to power. Our concern is to reach all men, the great and the humble, and though power in America ultimately rests with the humble, the great wield it, and must, therefore, carry peculiar responsibility.”
January 30, 2025
Obey God Only
“For conscience’s sake to God, we are bound by his just law in our hearts to yield obedience to [authority] in all matters and cases actively or passively; that is to say, in all just and good commands of the king and the good laws of the land relating to our outward man, we must be obedient by doing … but … if anything be commanded of us by the present authority, which is not according to equity, justice and a good conscience towards God … we must in such cases obey God only and deny active obedience for conscience’s sake, and patiently suffer what is inflicted upon us for such our disobedience to men.”
January 31, 2025
Witness the Living Truth within Your Heart
“The word ‘testimony’ is used by Quakers to describe a witness to the living truth within the human heart as it is acted out in everyday life. It is not a form of words, but a mode of life based on the realisation that there is that of God in everybody, that all human beings are equal, that all life is interconnected. It is affirmative but may lead to action that runs counter to certain practices currently accepted in society at large.”
February 1, 2025
Arrested and Smiling
“George Lakey was arrested during a 2013 demonstration in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as part of Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT). EQAT was opposed to PNC Bank’s financing of mountaintop removal coal mining. After a five-year campaign, they were successful in getting PNC to change their investment policy.”
February 2, 2025
We May Never See this Place in Time Again
I see sorrow and trouble in this land / Although there will be struggle, we’ll make the change we can / If not now, if not now, tell me when
February 3, 2025
Mary Dyer at the Scaffold
Cursed Quaker, repent and drive the Devil from this Land. / Thus Minister Wilson cajoled Mary Dyer at the scaffold. / She preached the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Do you wish the elders to pray for you? / She said I desire the prayers of all God’s people. / Cursed Quaker, repent and drive the Devil from this Land.
February 4, 2025
What Fierce Love Calls Us to Do
“In every way and in every place, we must work to eliminate the scourge of hate that leads to violence and promote the bonds of love that establish justice and that lead to peace. To realize this, we must also hold people accountable for violating laws and hold lawmakers accountable for perpetuating lies […]”
February 5, 2025
We Ourselves Are Part of the Oppression
“The duty of the Society of Friends is to be the voice of the oppressed but [also] to be conscious that we ourselves are part of that oppression. Uncomfortably we stand with one foot in the kingdom of this world and with the other in the Eternal Kingdom. Seldom can we keep the inward and outward working of love in balance, let alone the consciousness of living both in time and in eternity, in timelessness.”
February 6, 2025
Quaker Testimonies Are Made for this Hour
“Concentrations of money and power in industry and in the military, the vast influence of the mass media, and seemingly insoluble nature of the problems confronting the world all combine to make us feel we are helpless victims of circumstances beyond our control. Why, then, should we bother to try to speak out? Why should we spend precious time and energy on what appears to be a futile effort to influence the course of events? And if we do speak out, will anybody listen?”
February 7, 2025
I Ask for Strength, but Not for Power
I ask for daily bread, but not for wealth, lest I forget the poor. / I ask for strength, but not for power, lest I despise the meek.
February 8, 2025
What to Do Against a Strong and Violent Adversary
“When a position is taken against a strong and violent adversary, it will be necessary to be firm as a rock, fully prepared to suffer any consequence rather than yield to evil… Firmness, like that displayed by the early Christians and Friends and followers of Gandhi, is impossible in the presence of fear or doubt. It comes only from faith – the deep conviction that the position for which one stands is part of the eternal truth; that being true, it will survive and can be brought into expression by those who will uphold it at all cost.”
February 9, 2025
Gandhi’s Approach to Loving Your Enemy
“Love for a friend is not put to the test. There is nothing surprising in a friend loving a friend; there is no merit in it and it costs no effort. When love is bestowed on the so-called enemy, it is tested, it becomes a virtue and requires an effort, and hence it is an act of […] real bravery.”
February 10, 2025
What All Dictators Strive For
“Non-conformity, Holy Disobedience, becomes a virtue and indeed a necessary and indispensable measure of spiritual self-preservation, in a day when the impulse to conform, to acquiesce, to go along, is the instrument which is used to subject men to totalitarian rule and involve them in permanent war. To create the impression at least of outward unanimity, the impression that there is no ‘real’ opposition, is something for which all dictators and military leaders strive assiduously. The more it seems that there is no opposition, the less worthwhile it seems to an ever larger number of people to cherish even the thought of opposition…”
February 11, 2025
Evils That Are Accepted Even by the Best Minds
“[George] Fox, indeed, when he visited Barbados 1671, had advised Friends to deal mildly with their negroes and to make them free after thirty years’ servitude, and urged the holding of family meetings with them, while in 1688 the German Friends who had migrated to Pennsylvania addressed the Yearly Meeting there against the buying and keeping of slaves. But it was reserved, as we know, for John Woolman fully to awaken the conscience of Friends on this matter.”
February 12, 2025
A Quaker Vision for Political Activism
“The systems that we create as people, the systems of government and systems of power and the way that we distribute resources, are all inhabited by people. And at its most powerful, this prophetic work is about relationships.”
February 13, 2025
Negatives Cannot Cast Out Negatives
“What we need is a program or movement based on what we believe in rather than on the things to which we are opposed… Negatives cannot cast out negatives. Fear will never rid the world of fear. We must begin to base our actions solely on what we know to be right, not on expediency.”
February 14, 2025
Politics Is the Concern of Religious People
“‘Politics’ cannot be relegated to some outer place, but must be recognised as one side of life, which is as much the concern of religious people and of a religious body as any other part of life. Nay, more than this, the ordering of the life of man in a community, so that he may have the chance of a full development, is and always has been one of the main concerns of Quakerism.”
February 15, 2025
Cry for Deliverance
“Too long have wrongs and oppression existed without an acknowledged wrongdoer and oppressor. It was not until the slave holder was told ‘Thou art the man’ that a healthy agitation was brought about. Woman is told the fault is in herself, in too willingly submitting to her inferior condition, but like the slave, she is pressed down by laws in the making of which she has no voice, and crushed by customs which have grown out of such laws. She cannot rise therefore, while thus trampled in the dust. The oppressor does not see himself in that light until the oppressed cry for deliverance.”
February 16, 2025
We Came into this World for Something Higher
“Often in the course of running workshops or making presentations on global themes I have met people who care very deeply about the world’s ills, who feel that they would like to do something to promote global justice and world betterment, but who don’t know where to begin. They feel responsible, and perhaps even guilty that their lifestyle or their government may be contributing to the world’s problems, and yet they fear that they don’t know enough about the complexities of planetary issues to contribute anything more than their own good intentions.”
February 17, 2025
Resisting Empire with the Quaker Calendar
“Early Friends were very concerned about […] being truthful, but also [about] not giving credit to pagan gods and goddesses. For example, on Sunday, one might worship the sun. On Monday, one might worship the moon. […] But Friends didn’t believe in these gods. So why say their names?”
February 18, 2025
Witnessing for Peace in a Military Town
“We are two Quaker women who raised our families in towns dominated by the U.S. military. Rather than shun the military and look away, we have lived our witness amidst strong military presences. […] The military has certainly created plenty of occasions for us to talk about our testimonies and our practices in the face of headwinds. Both of us have found that our situations have actually helped strengthen our faith, since we often have to live our witness when sustained by faith alone.”
February 19, 2025
Letter to Jefferson on the Hypocrisy of “All Men Are Created Equal”
“Sir, suffer me to recall to your mind that time, in which the arms and tyranny of the British crown were exerted, with every powerful effort, in order to reduce you to a state of servitude […] This, Sir, was a time when you clearly saw into the injustice of a state of slavery, and in which you had just apprehensions of the horrors of its condition.”
February 20, 2025
Quakers Sue the Department of Homeland Security
“A group of Quaker congregations is suing the Department of Homeland Security for changing a policy that prevented Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents from carrying out operations in so-called ‘sensitive locations’ such as houses of worship, playgrounds, schools and hospitals without approval from supervisors.”
February 21, 2025
The Story of Mary Fisher and the Sultan
“In 1658, at the age of 35, Mary Fisher felt prompted to travel in a group of six Quakers to the Mediterranean and visit the Ottoman Empire to expound her faith to the Sultan. When their ship reached Smyrna, she asked the English Consul how to contact the Sultan. He told her that to proceed would be unwise and tricked the party of Quakers into boarding a ship bound for Venice. Realizing this when at sea, Fisher asked the captain to land her on the Morean Coast of Greece.”
February 22, 2025
Those in Power Need to Hear the Truth
“Policies, laws and received wisdom held by the powerful are extremely path dependent. When a Quaker speaks truth to power we are saying ‘I know what you think the truth to be, or are constrained by circumstances to think it must be, but somewhere along its way through the hierarchies of power, the basic humanity or morality of the question has been lost.’”
February 23, 2025
Why I Blockaded 40,000 Tons of Coal with a Lobster Boat
“We had no idea we were supposed to get a lobster boat, until we ended up with a lobster boat, and then that became the symbol: this little white lobster boat in front of this big, hulking black ship of coal. We opened ourselves to a place of love and humility, knowing that we were supposed to be there but not having any sense of anger or opposition.”