Quakers and Faith into Action

Contemplation and activism are sometimes presented as a dichotomy in Quakerism, but they are, in fact, intimately related. A rich spiritual life can inspire and ground our work in the world, and faithfulness to leadings can deepen our relationship with Spirit. From the time of the first Friends, Quakers have aspired to “be patterns, be examples” (George Fox) and “stand in the gap” (William Penn), in public witness to our corporate faith.

September 2, 2024

A Gift is a Summons to Service

“The man who can teach men has no right to raise turnips. Then, too, we all have special gifts and aptitudes which peculiarly fit us for some tasks rather than for other tasks. The very possession of a marked aptitude or gift is in itself a divine call and carries with it a summons to service – a noblesse oblige.”
September 3, 2024

We Were All Made Differently

“Those of us known as ‘activists’ have sometimes been hurt by the written or spoken implication that we must be spending too little time on our spiritual contemplative lives. I do know many atheists who are active to improve the lot of humankind. But, for those of us who are Friends, our attendance at meeting for worship and our silent prayerful times are what make our outer activity viable and effective – if it is effective.”
September 4, 2024

Exciting Our Endeavors to Mend the World

“True godliness does not turn men out of the world, but enables them to live better in it, and excites their endeavours to mend it; not to hide their candle under a bushel, but to set it upon a table in a candlestick.”
September 5, 2024

A Commitment to Moral Equality

“Most of us would like to believe that we have no outsized biases in favor of kith and kin, but research findings from neuroscience make that pretty unlikely. My commitment to moral equality is thus a commitment to be as sensitive as I can to areas where my biases might lead me to make unwarranted assessments. We are challenged, first, to notice unfair practices — and then to speak out against them.”
September 6, 2024

We Must Have Faith in Compassionate Motives

“The effects of our actions are largely beyond our control. Any happening they may influence has multiple causes that can never be unravelled; the contribution of what we did is as hard to assess as that of a single strand in a rope. We must have faith that if we purify our hearts, making our motives more compassionate, what we do will strengthen unimaginably the great forces that can save humanity.”
September 7, 2024

Love Was the First Motion

“Love was the first motion, and thence a concern arose to spend some time with the Indians, that I might feel and understand their life and the Spirit they live in, if haply I might receive some instruction from them, or they be in any degree helped forward by my following the leadings of Truth amongst them.”
September 8, 2024

Every Human Being is Precious

“Given the climate disaster that we are facing and the divisions that are happening politically, we have such an important role to play in highlighting that every human being is precious.”
September 9, 2024

The Most Joyous and Wondrous Thing We Can Do

“Finding and being found by that of God within me releases me from the dilemma of ‘Should I? Is it worth it? What good can I do?’ The answers to these questions are no longer important. What matters is that I must act, and that the task will be given to me. In my school motto was my answer — Servite in caritate — service with love.”
September 10, 2024

Dare to speak out

“Granted that Quakers have a tradition in civil liberties, what are they doing now? We ought to be hesitant to glory in past acts and quick to recognize that too often Quakers live today on the legacies of respect left by the rebels of yesteryear rather than to dare to speak out on modern equivalents of problems which landed their ancestors in prison.” 
September 11, 2024

“Love” can be the toughest or the fluffiest word in the language

“The sense of being answerable to the testimonies* may sound like a burden. Indeed, many people who are attracted by Quaker life find it daunting, demanding unsustainable standards of them. Others may reject it, as many reject the peace testimony, as unrealistically idealistic, divorced from everyday life. They may even shrug it off as hypocrisy.”
September 12, 2024

Activism Is a Species of Worship

“[Though the legacy of John Woolman,] we are invited to see our activism as a species of worship. For activists, this is an invitation to root our activism more fully in the transforming power of meeting for worship and the love of God we encounter there. For those who are more of a contemplative than an activist orientation, it challenges us to broaden our understanding of the boundaries of the meetinghouse, and the boundaries of worship itself.”
September 13, 2024

What it Means to Be Incarnation People

“No matter what else we may imagine the life of Jesus to be, it is certainly understood to be a revelation of God’s love through a human life, and what that means, among other things, is that humans and God are not so far apart as we may be led to believe, that God’s love would be revealed to us through a human life. That sort of ups the ante in terms of what it means to be incarnation people, because if God’s love can be revealed through a human life, then God’s love can be revealed through my life.”
September 14, 2024

How to Bring Your Spiritual Self to Politics

“Despite the irritation you may feel about political candidates who pander to fear and despite the frustration you may have for the media/entertainment industry that fuels the rhetoric of fear, I encourage you to bring your spiritual selves to politics. Bring the certain knowledge that God’s love is abundant. Bring your hope that is fostered through the dedicated worship we share, the time of contemplation when we make ourselves open to continuing revelation, to discerning God’s call for us in this broken, yet beautiful world.”
September 15, 2024

We Owe Much to Spiritual Rebels and Revolutionaries

“In contrast with debilitating conformism prevailing in our capitalist-communist world, there is the positive response to the irrepressible voice of the Eternal speaking to man deep within. It was response to this Voice which produced a compassionate Buddha, a pioneering Abraham, a stirring Isaiah, an appealing Zoroaster. Irrepressible Voice! Woe comes to the prophet who does not speak out. For he has failed the Eternal at a moment of crisis. The Eternal will raise another who will not fail to speak out. For His words which are Spirit and Light must be spoken through man in order to reach the conscience of men.”
September 16, 2024

The Soul Displayed in Ordinary Occupations

“For some it is right to give their whole lives explicitly to concrete forms of service, but for most their service will lie ‘in the sheer quality of the soul displayed in ordinary occupations.’ Such ordinary occupations are sometimes an essential contribution to the liberation of another person for wider service, and in any case, the inspiration of a dedicated life lived in simple surroundings, though often untraceable, may be profound in its reach.”
September 17, 2024

Spirituality Is a Rehearsal

“For a musician, actor, or athlete, practice and rehearsal are simply steps toward the ultimate goal, the performance — the concert, the play, or the ball game. For a spiritually led person the same is true. The purpose of spiritual practice and rehearsal is to enable each of us to be spiritually led in the performance of our daily lives.”
September 18, 2024

Coming into Citizenship in a Heavenly Kingdom

“What we try to mend depends a good deal on what we perceive to be torn. The search for religious experience often originates in a sense of being alienated, separated, torn from the divine, the truth, the great community of the universe to which we yearn to belong. The religious experience itself often begins with a conversion (literally a ‘turning towards’), an experience of what might be called ‘disalienation,’ a coming into citizenship in a heavenly kingdom, an acceptance of membership in a divine community.”
September 19, 2024

We Are a Gentle, Angry People

“We are a gentle, angry people / And we are singing, singing for our lives / We are a land of many colors / And we are singing, singing for our lives”
September 20, 2024

Look Not to Yourself, But to That Within You

“I have thought this morning, whether we, as a Society, do not suffer more than we need, by expecting too much of ourselves; whether our hope and reliance is sufficiently on Him whom we desire to become our all in all; experience has taught me, that Christ in me, or His saying and anointing power in me, is indeed my only hope of glory. I look not to myself, but to that within me, that has to my admiration proved to be my present help, and enabled me to do what I believe myself I could not have done.”
September 21, 2024

We Say We Are Activists; Early Friends Said They Were Waiters

“When compared with bodily action, what could seem more inactive than waiting upon God? The modern world asks, ‘Where will that get you?’ Young people say, ‘We want action.’ Yet, as we have seen, it was precisely through this and other apparently inactive means that the early Friends came into a power of whole action that surpasses anything that we experience today.”
September 22, 2024

Bayard Rustin: “There is no need for me to fear.”

“About thirteen miles north of Nashville, I heard the racket of approaching police cars. In a few seconds the bus came to a sudden stop. A police car and two motorcycles drew up to us. Four police came thundering into the bus. They consulted shortly with the driver and then came back to me.”
September 23, 2024

Learn to Say No as Well as Yes

“My cosmic love, or the Divine Lover loving within me, cannot accomplish its full intent, which is universal saviourhood, within the limits of three score years and ten.* But the Loving Presence does not burden us equally with all things, but considerately puts upon each of us just a few central tasks as emphatic responsibilities. For each of us these special undertakings are our share in the joyous burdens of love.”
September 24, 2024

The Seeds of Concern Are Given for Planting

“In prayer, the seeds of concern have a way of appearing. Often enough a concern begins in a feeling of being liable, personally responsible for someone or some event. With it may come an intimation that one should do some little thing: speak to some person, make an inquiry into a certain situation, write a letter, send some money, send a book. Or it may be a stop in our minds about some pending decision, or a clear directive that now is not the time to rest, or an urge to stay home when we had been meaning to be away.”
September 25, 2024

Wear Thy Sword as Long as Thou Canst

“Young William Penn, a gentleman of high social status, had heard Quakers preach and had experienced an opening of the Spirit in his own life. After a few months he had the opportunity of meeting George Fox, the inspiring leader of the Religious Society of Friends. Penn was obviously troubled in his conscience about following the custom of his class of wearing a sword. So he asked Fox, ‘How long should I wear my sword?’ Fox replied in the Quaker language of that day, ‘Wear thy sword as long as thou canst.'”
September 26, 2024

Individuals Can Resist Injustice, but Only in Community Can We Do Justice

“As a faith practice, sanctuary brings back into focus our community’s covenant to serve the Peaceable Kingdom. First, sanctuary cannot be reduced to or dismissed as a matter of individual conscience. An individual may provide refuge to the violated and may even prophesy, but only a congregation can gather as a church and enter into the communion that is sanctuary. Second, the practice of sanctuary fuses the concerns that are separate and even competing issues when relegated to the faith practice of individuals.”
September 27, 2024

Praying for Those in Power

“Tim Buckley is the CEO of Vanguard, one of the world’s largest investment management firms. Vanguard holds about $300 billion invested in fossil fuels, with about $101 billion invested in coal. As such, he has incredible power and sway in the world of fossil fuel investment. We’re walking to his house today to hold Quaker-style Meeting for Worship. It is simultaneously a spiritual gathering for worship and a campaign action organized by Earth Quaker Action Team.”
September 28, 2024

The Quaker Approach to Service

“If there is an identifiable Quaker approach to service, we could hope that it is embodied in this: that as in worship we follow the leadings of the Spirit and the Light faithfully, we are prepared to be led where it takes us — to let go of comfortable certainties and be taken into new knowledge, and also into painful and difficult experiences.” 
September 29, 2024

We Are Not Tasked with Fixing the Whole World Alone

“Thank you for exploring the relationship between faith and action with me this month, and for your wonderful query responses. As someone who leans contemplative, I often find myself overwhelmed by my activist leadings, overthinking them until they fizzle out. But the messages this month reminded me that I am not tasked with fixing the whole world alone; I have Spirit, I have community, and I have been given a few specific responsibilities to effect change.”